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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Tuesday March 14th, 2006 at 14:01pm

Sam is meant to be flying out to the Occupied Territories on Friday. And now this happens — no clue what he should do. He doesn’t know either. Does he go and hope that (as in Iraq when the kidnappings started) the fact they’re all clowns spares them from the bad people? Or does he hang on here? I doubt he’ll get a refund on his air ticket but he might do. Thing is, Peat and some others are already out there anyway. This could all go very badly for the clowns : S The world is a shit.

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Tuesday March 14th, 2006 at 10:12am

Cry me a river... (clicky)
Cry me a river...
(Medium).JPG So tired. Bleh! Launching FreakCity at 5:30am was possibly a bad idea. Lots done at work with the new sce look and feel, but felt soo shitty I didn’t think I’d get through the day. Popped out for lunch and discovered there’s a burst water main over the road. And a river of water flowing towards Liecester Square. Most amusing...all coming from an ickle side alley that had turned rather successfully into a stream. Ate gay salad. Almost cancelled Dave because of feeling shite and knackered but didn’t in the end. Left work at about 6:30 and headed to BarCode to meet Danny, John, Dave, Wil and MrsWil. Who were of course all shockingly late. David was there, being drunk as ever. Only stayed for a bit as I was soo tired. Stopped at Virgin on the way back and bought 4 DVDs for £20 - Gosford Park, Beetlejuice, House of Flying Daggers and Team America: World Police. Headed home on the bus - almost missing my stop as I’d fallen asleep. D’oh. Got back and checked my gaydar to discover the guy I’d been chatting to in Leeds was being odd. I’d sent him a message to ask if he’d got my text and he said “no” and asked me what I was up to for the weekend. I replied, confirming his number and telling him I was coming to Leeds and then probably doing Manchester at the weekend. I got *five* “I’m sorry, I don’t think we’re compatible” replies and he blocked me. Very fucking odd. Decided to give up on men and watched Beetlejuice instead, whilst doing my washing — My original plan had been to do the pics bit of Freakcity but I had no energy at all. Feh! TJ then decided to watch League of Extraordinary Gentlemen so I went to bed. Slept a bit better. Up at 6:45 making pic uploads work. Yay! First class train awaits at 20:30. Off work until next week! Have camera and Libby so will be blogging on the move. Damn this bag’s heavy : D “It’s time you enjoyed yourself, especially before you embark on the next round of work projects and social responsibilities...” according to my stars. How exciting! (Or randomly made up, depending on your perspective).

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