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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about

Unlucky 13?

Monday March 13th, 2006 at 8:55am

New skyscraper at Bank? Wonder what that is then... (clicky)
New skyscraper at Bank? Wonder what that is then...
(Small).JPG Yesterday I ogged more CDs. And I woke up with a huge rash all over me. Which was lovely. I think that I managed to “eat” some nylon (I’m allergic, and it’s what case fans tend to be made of, so the dust around them tends to be nylon powder). Icky. Chatted to mum on the phone some, told her about the nylon, she was faintly amused. Apparently they’d decided to strip and paper the spare room this weekend, but as they removed the old paper all the plaster was coming off too - so they got on the phone for a plasterer and sulked. When mogs woke up we shopped for bits and then went to Wings Buffet for some yummy chinese. Wandered back and did some Freakcity as well as watching Underworld: Evolution - much better than the first. Watched some Shameless - was surprised by James McAvoy being in it. Bed at 11 but couldn’t sleep at all. Bah! Eventually dropped off...after a few hours. Woke up at 5am and couldn’t get back to sleep so launched v2 instead. Heh ; ) Expecting lots of bugs and moaning when I get to work...

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It’s live!

Monday March 13th, 2006 at 8:10am

The view from the top of my flats... (clicky)
The view from the top of my flats...
(Medium).JPG But will it all fall over horribly? ; )

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