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Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Saturday March 11th, 2006 at 10:34am

Three of Me (clicky)
Three of Me
(Medium).jpg Still very very tired, although I did stay up until 4:30am. Oops! Left work on time. Went to Retro. Drank OJ and entertained Danny/Richard and eventually Lloyd and some others a bit. Then headed off by bus to meet Deev at Kings Cross. Stood at the bus stop waiting for a 91 for a little while, when a strange couple of people turned up. A man, late 40s I’d say, and his very elderly mother in a wheelchair. He wheeled her over at speed and then said “We’re waiting for the 91 Mother. No I’m not going to speak to you” and then walked off, leaving her on her own in her wheelchair by the bus stop. Very strange. He wandered around the other bus stop, waiting for the bus, as soon as he saw it he raced back and pushed her onto the bus. I got on too, sat by the door downstairs and watched as he installed his Mother in one of the seats at the front and then put the wheelchair, still unfolded, into the wheelchair section, covering the seat with newspapers. Then, as we pulled off, he went and sat right at the back of the bus, as far away from his mother as he could get without getting off or going upstairs - and started singing Weird fucking weirdness. We’re driving down The Strand and he’s singing a showtune about “going down The Strand”. This carried on, interspersed with him shouting “be quiet Mother” at random intervals, even though I was closer to her than he was and couldn’t hear anything. At one set of lights his mother decided to sit in her wheelchair instead of the bus seat. He complained, saying “you’ll be knocked over when the bus moves” and generally whined but didn’t get out of his seat to help or anything. After about 20 minutes he appeared to get bored of simply singing and decided to become a bizarre kind of tour guide - pointing out famous buildings on the way up to Kings Cross. People on the bus were either irritated or bemused. It was very very one stop, he was singing his heart out and his mother was pointing at him and talking to someone through the glass of the bus window, pride in her eyes. We passed a new A&E department, apparently state of the art, he recommended it highly. Somebody sat opposite him commented that he might need it soon (!!) and then asked him where he was getting off. He said “Kings Cross” and the other guy replied with “Good”. Eventually getting to Kings Cross, arrived just in time for Deev to be 10 minutes early on the train. Woo! Said hello, grabbed new 300gig HD for Novak and then said goodbye and headed home on buses. Which is entertaining ; ) Copied (roughly) the partition table from the old hd to the new one, adding a new partition for /download. All partitions are now the same size or slightly larger...removed two drives, booted from CD and then dd if = /dev/hdax of = /dev/hdcx lots for a few hours to copy all the data off the old drive (which was 120gig not 80gig as I’d thought) onto the new one. Sorted out boot partitions and then put it all back together (5 hours later. Damn it’s slow copying from a broken unDMAable disk) and it worked. So now we wait until FC5 and then finish upgrading and making it all shiny. Have lots more spare space now though, for downloads, which is very very nice. Bed at 4:30am. Up again at 8:30am as I couldn’t sleep. Gah! Played about with some bits online. Decided to run my laptop (with the broken screen) as a headless rdesktop server so I can leave stuff running on it and shut this one down at night as it’s huge and eats power. So upgraded lots of laptop. Trying to get Beta2 of IE7 to install but it’s not behaving. So might just leave it as IE6. Going to start work in a moment on the last bits of the beta. Hoping to have them all finished today so I can move it across later and then watch what happens user/errorwise tomorrow. Got bored and played with photography/photoshop a bit to mak

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