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Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Friday March 10th, 2006 at 15:03pm

Rain falls. Rain washes the pain away. Rain anaethesizes against the coldness of the world, softening everything under its relentless gaze (clicky)
Rain falls. Rain washes the pain away. Rain anaethesizes against the coldness of the world, softening everything under its relentless gaze
Trippy day...flopped about at work doing whatever was asked of me at the time by the most urgent looking person. My teeth seem to have shut the fuck up a bit so I was only partially zonked on painkillers for a change. Tesco salad for lunch and far too much thoop for my own good. Communications meeting in the afternoon outlining how well the company was doing and the fun things in store for us if we manage to get the client we’re after. It’s a big client...I think we’re all going to be working down t’ pit 50 hours a day if we get the contract. Everything today is shiny and wet. Everything yesterday was too. It gives the world a new smell. Like it’s all been reborn. We need more rain though if we’re going to manage the summer ok. Grey skies and a grey mood. Not down, but not up. Just somewhere in between. Mostly it’s where I like to be, there’s less chance of disappointment that way. Bumped into salheilagur as I was coming back from Tesco in the rain. He started waving at me and said hello, I told him I didn’t recognise him and he explained who he was. He works just down the road from me. We chat about photography and stuff from time to time online but up until then hadn’t met before. He said he’d had a strange feeling he was going to meet someone and that he found it all surprising. It was quite cool, but I was way too shy and crap as ever so mostly burbled a bit and ran away. I really need to get over this shyness. I used to wear it like a glove but it no longer fits. I’m not shy with the people I know, why should I give a shit about the people I don’t know? Applying the new design to the bits of work I’m doing. It all looks lovely ; ) Tonight I’m meeting Deev to grab the shiny new 300gb HD off him for Novak, then I’m going to dismantle the internet, reinstall bits and pray that the poor little thing is a bit more roadworthy than she has been of late. Fortunately for me, linux is lovely. I copy the old drive onto the new drive and it Just Works™ This weekend will be spent tidying and gearing up for FC v2 launch. I’ve done about 50% of the new dick and that’s the only remaining bit I need to finish before I can launch v2. After launch I’ll be changing other bits slowly, bit by bit, as the way I’ve written it makes it easier to do things like that. And then on to the heady heights of v3 - Java, MySQL, Tomcat, Apache, all running on our own server. It’ll be lovely. No more random outages that are the fault of the service provider, no, now it’ll all be MY fault when it goes wrong! Muahaha! I have a feeling something will happen soon. Something different and lovely. I shall await with some trepidation. Now...what to do in London until 9:30pm?

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