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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about

The wheels on the bus....

Wednesday March 8th, 2006 at 8:42am

Very tired. Completed the antibiotics yesterday. Bleh! Work was dull, frustrating too. Got blamed for something that wasn’t my fault but threw it back to them with an explanation of exactly what was wrong (css being served as text/plain). Was going to sauna after work but couldn’t remember which stop was City Thameslink as it was shitting it down and visibility was zero from the bus. (It’s *before* St Pauls). Walked about in the rain. Got the DLR. Got cold. Had a coughing fit and nearly threw up - took me about half an hour to recover at home : ( Babylon 5 scripts book 4 had arrived - there was a really poignant paragraph about Richard Biggs’ funeral - made me sad. Dinner hadn’t defrosted by the time I got home either. Grr. Spent sauna money on chinese. Stayed up too late watching Severed Dreams ana then reading about the writing/recording of the Wall and the subsequent breakdown in communication in the band in “Inside Out”. Slept sorta ok. Still feel tired. Owen has tonsilitis : ( moogal and mickstar are Retroing tonight. Am going to attempt to be there for a bit too - long as my cough doesn’t go horrible on me. We shall see. Leeds next week. Yay. I was apparently meant to tell Chris how awful it is to make him feel better about not getting into the uni there, but he appears to not be speaking to me again for no reason. C’est la vie... Still trying to work out if I’ll do Rentaghost on Sunday or not ; ) Today is national no smoking day. Hah! I wish someone’d make upstairs at Retro entirely no smoking...

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