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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Tuesday March 7th, 2006 at 8:13am

Breakfast (clicky)
Slowly starting to feel better. Tried a little experiment on the bus home that made me feel stronger, which was good. My cough has come back worse than before though which is bad. Last day of antibiotics. Took a night nurse before bed and slept pretty much all the way through. Cooked real food last night. Spaghetti bolognaise of some description made from leftovers. Tasted nice though. Watched new Battlestar as well. Work was hard work. So much to do. Finished the stuff to do with my MVC framework that had come out of the peer review. At 7:30. Urgh. Spent much of the day feeling really faint and floaty and like I was about to pass out, which is not so good. Hopefully I’ll be a bit better today. Managed to eat a packet of crisps! Haven’t been able to stomach the idea for about 3 weeks. Still no fags or booze. Told David who I work with that I’d not smoked or drunk anything in over two weeks and so I must start feeling better soon. He suggested it’d be after my first beer. Cheeky git. Outside makes me cough. So I’m going outside now to cough lots. And lots.

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