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Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about

Week 3...

Monday March 6th, 2006 at 7:46am

Urg. Still feel sooo tired. No idea what to do. There’s still something wrong with my throat too, but I have no idea what. And I’m guessing blood shouldn’t come out of my nose in the way it just did. Bah : ’( I’m going to pick up some stuff from Boots that’ll hopefully give me a bit of energy and then concentrate on being psychically well in the hope my body gets the hint and fucking sorts itself out. As for my teeth, feels like there’s a vice in my head. It’s really really lovely! Friday I ended up escaping from work as soon as I could (I was feeling unbeliveably crap) - I’ll probably get shit for it today as I’d not finished my stuff but there was no way I was able to concentrate on anything. Went straight home via Wings’ Buffet for some takeout. Fed mogs some of the takeout and he told me he’d never eaten there so I’ll have to take him sometime as he was very impressed with the food. Serenity, The Abyss and Creep had arrived on DVD - I’m not drinking and smoking so have available cash to buy silly things instead. Far more fun ; ) Watched The Abyss. It was the special version that I don’t think I’d seen all of as it had bits in it that I don’t remember at all. Was cool, but not 16:9, just 4:3 letterbox which was a shame. Zoomed it was about VHS quality. Grr. Bed. Slept badly (unshocker). Decided to go to Tottenham Court Road on Saturday and see about a cheap HD for Novak so she can stop being so damn flaky. Managed to find a 250gig for £75 but I think I can do better online so I didn’t buy it. Accidentally bought the Jurassic Park ultimate edition DVD from CEX instead though for 12 quid. 0: -) Limped home, via Woolies to buy a new teapot (as my old one has a hairline crack) and a hob light, then Somerfields to buy cheap crappy food reduced for quick sale. Watched lots of Jurassic Park, as well as the making of. Got chinese takeout (I’d budgeted 20 quid for the weekend’s entertainment, so thought fuck it may as well waste a tenner ; )) Headed to bed but again slept badly - tho this was partly to do with mogs staying up late and being a bit noisy. Grr ; ) Woke at about 5:30am, sat online for a bit. Surprised Lloyd by being awake. Went back to bed again. Got up at about 1ish and found mogs watching something I’d downloaded - Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning - an amusing bit of fanfic completely created without much of a budget and stuff. It’s basically a pisstake - Star Trek versus Babylon 5, but with CGI that’d do either proud. Very impressive in a sick in the head kinda way... I recycled the left over chinese into lunch. Tidied a bit, did some washing, tidied my room some and then retired to bed with JMS’s B5 scripts volume 3 and then Inside Out - Mum’s birthday prezzie to me (a signed copy too!). Decided not to do anything cept lay in bed, doze, read, doze and that was about it. So I feel almost alive now but still tired.

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