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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about

Something went right for a change...

Wednesday March 1st, 2006 at 19:23pm

...and I got an emergency dental appointment for tomorrow morning. Although now I feel sick - and I’m not sure if it’s “not eaten” sick or “eat something and vomit, I dare you” sick. Bah : ’(

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Wednesday March 1st, 2006 at 13:06pm

I’m sorta feeling a little better. I still need about a week’s sleep though and I think it’s linked to the fact I’ve been out in the sun but yeah, I feel a bit better. Bout fucking time too! Veronica this weekend with a bunch of freaks. Breakfast on Pluto tomorrow at the PCC, should be good. Left the flat at 7:15 this morning to get to the hospital for 8 to find out that the emergency dentist service they used to have there has been stopped. Wandered through to commercial road and got the 15 to work. So I was in the office at 9. *faint*. Which means I’m bored already... Being moved around projects again. Grr. Everything’s so up in the air again it’s silly. Only feel like eating a certain few types of food. It’s very odd. My throat still feels weird. I need a doctor and some tests I think. It’s not felt right since the time I threw up blood last year. Hope I haven’t got something bad wrong with it. Maybe I’ll turn into a hypochondriac for a laugh. Watched the first couple of Season 2 Numb3rs last night. Was ok I guess, seems a little more drawn out than season 1. Was surprised Ridley and Tony Scott are behind it as it’s not brilliant, just pretty good. Weird old world... Bed at 9. Slept badly. Can’t win.

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