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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about

I am officially 247 today in gay years

Wednesday September 27th, 2006 at 14:03pm

Chatted to Mum last night, Dee was in surgery and I guess she wanted someone to chat to. Everything went well, Dee was in pain but is ok now and texting away quite happily. Mum’s on her way to go up and see her now. Hoping the results are as expected. Told Dee to ask for morphine as that’d sort her out ; ) Drenched in spam, I am. Think someone should update some things somewhere to make me more resilliant. Slept really badly on account of eating PIZZA last night. Cheese and half a bottle of diet coke combining to make me old and lonely in my room with only a small Irish boy for company, who himself was pissed. Might head out somewhere tonight, might do it with my camera. Tempted to just sit in the dark outside the coffee shop and watch people wandering about. Jamie appears to have acquired me something fab for my birthday. So I’ve just bought a new motherboard for £180 and am planning on having the fastest PC in the universe later this week. No word from the Evil Chris. You’d think he’d remember my birthday. Even my dad did. Whimper. Then again, he’s a student, 1:30pm is far too early to expect him to be awake yet. Everyone on the site must stroke Jams lots until he smiles. And that’s an order. Bed at 2. Woke up at 4. Vivid TJ shaped dreams. Most odd. And guns too. Lots of guns. Doing a photieshoot with Blue a week on Sat. Don’t know (Still) if I’m doing Sunin. Bah. Still, not much planned this month so not much to spend money on so I might still be ok, even with the mobo purchase. Safari is really REALLY shit for debugging javascript on. I’ve acquired a mac cube at work. I might get one for home, just to annoy mogs as it’s about twice as fast as all of his macs put together...although I’d be forced to install linux on it just to make a point. IP address conflict...does it tell you? No. It merely disconnects itself from the network and waits patiently for you to guess what happened. Stupid OS. Watched some more of the 4400 last night. Doug Petrie wrote one of the episodes. Some of the twists are a little strange, but they’re kinda interesting in a “no, thankfully this isn’t BSG” kinda way. So that’s it, careful reader, my birthday blog is now complete. I might post some rambly shit later, depends on my mood.

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