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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about

Your discgo needs you

Sunday July 30th, 2006 at 11:00am

Sunin arrivorated at about 7:30ish so I left work at 6:30 and sat in outside the café with a latté and lots of thoughts swimming around my head. Something happened towards Trafalgar Square that caused all the traffic in the world to queue up, so I wandered to Shaftsbury Avenue and discovered Sunin (eventually) and we headed back to mine. Unpacked, bounced about a bit, then headed to Ilford via Tesco for supplies. Tesco was gorgeous. Large airconditioned open space was just what the doctor ordered. Bought much bacon, sausage, vodka, OJ, cranberry, tesco value cola (for Shits and Giggles&trade ; ) and various other bits. Headed to Ilford and spent a good half an hour getting remarkably lost in the one way system before we found Owen and Jen’s new place. After a frankly stunning piece of parking from Sunin, we rang the bell and said hello. Jen was slightly hopping mad (just a little bit) as it was about 11:30 and Owen had popped out for “one drink” after work. And wasn’t back. Nice to see some things never change. “Was he this shit with you too? Oh, he was, that’s ok then...” Explored their new place. Quite big and lovely, but not so sure about the area, I can see issues. But I’m sure they’ll be fine. Headed back home at 1amish. We were planning on Swanning but we were both far too knackered. Saturday I managed to be up early and working on Freakcity (yey!) until we had to go out at lunchtime to buy shiny things from Expectations (coo...I now own a cockring!) and stuff. Mumsy phoned and invited herself over Sunday. Headed back to the flat to wait for moogal to arrive, which he did, horrifically late. Although this wasn’t his fault...I’d also died my hair shockingly red in the interim, which was headed off into town and arrived at the Theatre late but were snuck in. So all’s good. Avenue Q is amazing. Dodgy sentiment and a little derivative, but still...well worth the time. Met BumpMUM which was nice too. Headed to the café after for a snack and then the horror of KuBar. Which was fun. Took moogal back to the flat to pick up his car then headed back into town to meet drunkSunin for XXL b0ppage. Although we didn’t actually stay long, as the atmosphere was dire. Cabbed home because we’re both lazy cows. Eventual bed. Now I’m up and about to go see Mum at Spitalfields. So tata! x

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