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Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about

Nyeh nyeh ner ner nyeh

Thursday June 29th, 2006 at 11:34am

Been so tired since my scrabble marathon on Monday that I’ve been having trouble focussing on things. That’s changed a bit today, possibly because I’m not working again until Wednesday. Possibly because I’m slowly getting my energy levels back up. I have a cold brewing, I can feel it on the edges of my consciousness...that tickle, that slight twinge in the throat. Here’s what I’m good at, combination placebo and vitamins that make my brain believe I will be well again and so I am. I haven’t had a cold since giving up drinking. Attempted once more to fix Lloyd’s ill laptop. There’s been a rather serious disk error, the partitions are fine but the NTFS file allocation tables are fucked, so the data’s there but nothing (I even tried Norton Disk Doctor in desperation) can read the filesystem or the files. Chkdsk dies at 50% with an unrecoverable error. And Dell’s own diagnostic tool errors out. So that drive is toast, I think. Chatted to Jon last night. Gonna hopefully see him tonight. No work in the morning ; ) Broke my chair. Shall have to buy a new cheapy swivel one from somewhere hideous to replace it. I need a visiting order from Dan apparently to go visit him, so have written to him asking for one, he’ll get back to me then I’ll be off to Dorset. The joy. Pride this weekend. Gays meeting at 11 at Marble Arch. Then wandering on down to Baker St. I have a “do nothing” Sunday. Yay me ; ) Going to tidy some flat, work on my portfolio and see if I can’t get a few photography clients = D Disturbed Lloyd slightly as MogsSHAG was leaving the flats. Do people not realise that sex is written all over their faces for a time after they finish? So pointed at random bloke leaving and said “he just shagged Mogs” Was meant to be GAYing tonight but if Jon comes over I won’t be. Coz I suspect that picking my nose’d be more fun than GAY. Tired. Bit irritable. Going to go walk a bit in the sun. And not repeat yesterday’s small accident in HMV which left me with Ferris Bueller’s Day off, The Big Lebowski, Fargo, The Hudsucker Proxy, Barton Fink, Back to the Future I-III, Spirited Away, Kill Bill Vol 1, and a few others. Woops. Out at Retro briefly last night. So need to find us another bar.

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