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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about

Tuesday blues

Tuesday June 20th, 2006 at 12:17am

Feeling all collapsible and stuff internally. I shouldn’t do, but I do. Fortunately I can mostly just turn it off and put it in a small internal box until it’s gone away, but it makes me feel a little vulnerable, which isn’t nice. I’ll live though. I just may require hugs for a few days. Work was dull, fixing bugs that I caused. Trying to tag in CVS and then make the tag actually build proved somewhat more interesting than it should have been. I managed slowly to get it to work this morning. I think there are some magic words that must be said before it actually works, but am so far not sure. It seems alternately to build all but one of the projects successfully and fail to compile all but one of the projects successfully. Wah. Wrote a message sending class before work this morning. (Classes in Jscript? Who’d have thought?) which does all the exciting things I need it to for me. Used it to send a message to everyone on freakcity about the third birthday. It checks if a user is logged in and sends them a mail if they’re not, so it is also a very good way to get loads of old people to visit who haven’t in a while. Which led to there being about 30 people online this morning. All at once. And it didn’t explode! Footle encountered a database lock error, I really need to go through all the DB code and change the locks so they’re only used when *absolutely* necessary. This will speed up the site and also prevent errors like that happening. Because that shouldn’t have happened. I think I’m also going to create an error framework that notifies me of errors, but equally also doesn’t just give an error 500 page. I shall do this in the next round of changes I’m making to the site, hopefully in the next couple of weeks. Avatars Blogs Errors Message Manager overhaul Profiles tweaking. Should keep me pretty busy. So I’ll have beta all up and running again and people can test stuff ; ) Chatted to Jonni lots last night, was good. Chatted to Dom a bit, got home with chinese and planned on doing FC but in the end just didn’t have the energy. Am trying to wean myself off the energy supplement things I’ve been taking, I think I understand how to keep my energy levels ok, but it’s a bit tricky. Hopefully I’ll get it right soon. Bidding on a wireless dongle for the small furry boy that lives with me. Will find out in an hour if I get it or not. It’ll be a surprise for him ; ) (well, unless he reads my blog first ; )) So far, 122 people have logged in today. I think that’s pretty darn good considering... plucker’s birthday is the same day as Freakcity’s apparently : )

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