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Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Monday June 19th, 2006 at 7:35am

There’s something rather pretty about watching the sun come up from the wrong end of the day. I don’t know if it’s tired eyes making the colours do oddness or what...but it’s nice. I was going to cycle down to Tower Bridge and photograph it properly but in the end I couldn’t be bothered at all. Miles failed completely to turn up on Friday, giving some lameass excuse or another for not coming. So it was left to myself, William, Justin, Dan, TJ, Binky, Mike and a mate of Justin/Dan’s whose name I didn’t catch to have a good time all on our own. Which we did. Filched a load of wooden chairs from inside of CXR and subsequently constructed an 8 seater table out of their 4 seater one, sat outside admiring the view. William hadn’t met Mike before, which was bizarre, as they’ve both been on IRC as long as each other (way longer than most of us have lived...). I went to the loo in CXR and a man was talking about how he hated the place because there were no normal people there. The thing is, he was talking to his own reflection, in the toilet mirror. And sounding somewhat deranged. Talked of the world. Thailand. Small boys. Big boys. Opera. All sorts. Bitched about Retro. Gossipped about people. Was nice. Have decided to audition riverside pubs and then move us to one of them, creating a small pink area on the bank of the Thames. These things need to be done... Went to buy some food from the offy. William facetiously asked if it was going to be pie. Came out with a pork pie, just to prove a point. Although I’m not convinced paying £1.50 for a pork pie was worth it, just to prove a point... Got told to move inside CXR, I got butch and made everyone finish their drinks so we could go somewhere not inside a bar (It was a pretty pretty night. Sky laced with diamonds. Air warm with a hint of cool breeze.) Went and hung about outside the Admirable Dunkan. Everyone discussed their trains and how far they had to travel and the feasibility of buses. As most of us remaining (William’d run off to the BatCave to see Harvey, TJ had run off to work) were all going from Charing Cross or nearby, we all wandered down to embankment together. Bumped into Andrea en route, he’s looking fit and lovely as ever. Said hello. Then bumped into David (spooky, Andrea and David used to live together) who was attempting badly to hail a cab. He decided to walk with us to Charing Cross as he’d probably have more luck there. En route we decided fuck it, we’d go to the swan for kicks. Friday night at the Swan — I’m not sure if we slipped into an alternate reality or what. Picture a bar, only half full on a Friday night, pole dancers and drag queens and more short fat essex women than you can shake a very large stick at. And all their gay friends. All sporting scary multicoloured mullets and orange leathery skin. I’ve had more fun at bingo, and no, I don’t mean the pissed as a c*nt variety... We stopped for a drink. Then the stripper came on and we watched halfheartedly as the essex women en masse looked on with open mouths. Honestly, one’d think they’d never seen a large penis before. Scarpered after about 20 minutes, it was simply far too vile. Went to the sauna instead. Wandered around in the dark. Annoyed people in the jacuzzi by talking about pointless crap and trying to teach David to float whilst they were all trying to cop off. Smiled lots at strange men. Then bumped into Drew and a friend of his too. Got cuddles and gossipped lots. Eventually left at around 6, the sun was gorgeous as it came up over East London. Bed. Up on Saturday at around noon, started sorting out my room and throwing away shit, dusting, sorting out the spaghetti that is my PC and its associated wires, that kinda thing. Went to Tesco at Bow and bought 22.6 kilos of shopping. I know it was 22.6 kilos because it was so incredibly

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