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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Tuesday June 13th, 2006 at 22:48pm

“And the irony is...Al Zaraqui was a huge football fan. And now he’s gone and missed the entire thing...” (after a sketch “translating” a welsh language tv show) “We’re gonna get lots of letters about that one...won’t be able to read any of them, mind...” “I met Kilroy Silk once...and out of him and Anne, it’s no good, I’d have to kill all of them” (To an audience member) “Oh right, yeah, that hotel’s local...I’ve got friends who’ve done coke there...” Marcus Brigstocke - rather cool indeed...

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Woo! Yeah baby!

Tuesday June 13th, 2006 at 11:50am

Cycled to work in half an hour. Yay me ; ) Got in, started work, checked out an entire new project and the power went out at 12pm. Watched fit man get rescued from the lift. Pootled about in the dark for an hour with the rest of the office that hadn’t elected to choose an early lunch and then gave up and went home at 1pm. A most excellent Monday, if I do say so myself. Unfortunately my bike was trapped in the basement as the lifts weren’t moving. Pointed out somewhat incredulously that lack of access without power is a tad naughty, what if there was a fire? “DO NOT USE IN CASE OF FIRE (cept if you’re stuck in the basement)” is certainly not what the lifts have written in them. Home on bus by 2. Chilled out. Made toast, stilton and broccoli soup and failed to do anything useful. Chatted to Dominik a bit, seemed a bit happier at any rate. Chilled out more (which is hard to do when it’s a gazillion degrees centigrade and you have no real aircon). Devised a cunning path through the flat to move air about and keep us cool. Witnessed ChavWars downstairs, as the loud annoying family tried to upset the muslims upstairs. Watched some telleh. TJ was watching LotR so saw some as I cooked spaghetti bolognaise. Doesn’t work quite as well with white wine as red = D Taught TJ how to make crisps using a potato peeler. He only sliced off a tiny bit of finger in the process, we’ll make a culinary master out of him yet. Bed at 12. Dom failed to phone back. I shall spank him when I see him ; ) mtr is visiting on Friday, so must acquire Retro people for him to play with. Up bright and early at 4:30 as it was pissing down and both my huge bedroom windows were open. Woops. Drifted back to sleep (sorta). I love it when it rains after hot weather, but only if there’s a storm involved. As now it’s just hot and wet instead of hot. Bah! [ is traffic converting program was organized in 2003. Always only fresh exploits, best anti AV modules, our loader and all other exe files not detected by ANY antivirus program! You simply add our iframe code to your sites, and we pay you from 80 usd and up to 500 usd per 1000 trojaned computers. Realtime statistics, weekly payouts! Read more on our site.] Fun spam! ^^ Also got mail from Lloyd I miss my internet connection : ’( When I am away from my sister and her super awesome boyfriend THIS HOLIDAY ROCKS! On the way in I read about a ringtone adults cannot hear which amused me somewhat...and more on the mad Dutch person who has built a 1/4 size replica ark which amused me even more ; ) Work late, as I had issues with traffic from the bus. Updated correctly to the right builds and stuff, popped to Tesco for lunch and bumped into Dave, who was looking very sexy. Chatted a bit about pot plants and bikes. Apparently the LGC was powercut yesterday too, and they stayed open and were showing people art supplies with torches...made me snigger ; ) Poor love has really bad hayfever at the moment. Either that or talking to me makes him cry. Who can say? TV filming thing tonight. Should be a laugh. Told TJ to wear his “rentboy” top = D

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