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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about

+Friday+ was a hot day. Went to Retro for a bit after work but there was no-one there. The attitude in that bar is still shifting round further to “Ku with piercings” — so need to find something new. Am considering converting a wing of a straight bar, much like we did at the Tap all those years ago. Unfortunately, most of my friends are sluts and won’t go to straight places as they require gay eye candy. So I’m buggered. Maybe I’ll set up a tent on Old Compton St and only invite lovely gays. The Pink paper has a thing about “Lovely Gay Day” in it. I’m not sure if it’s this week or last week’s copy, but I rarely read it as it’s a thinly disguised scene advert these days. How I miss the days of angry left wing gay media, such as Capital Gay. And I didn’t even live here then! So...Lovely Gay Day — not gonna happen is it? Gays? Lovely? Naaah. Stood outside Retro on my own as it was far nicer there. So bored that I ended up online for most of it. The height of sadness - checking gaydar whilst stood outside a gay bar. Headed home. Chatted to people online a bit and then went to sleep. Up earlyish on Saturday spent most of the morning alternating between the washing up and doing things to freakcity. Went to Lidl at 9am and bought EIGHT WHOLE POUNDS worth of shopping. Which was enough to entirely fill my huge rucksack. I love being a contradiction, Waitrose one week, Lidl the next. It’s the variety that drives us, the variety that keeps us sane when all else fails. Sometimes I think giving up drinking was the best thing I ever did. Because making myself cope without the alcohol has made my life FAR more varied and fun. Lidl. Yay 2l diet cola for 19p. Came in outstandingly useful the following day. Decided after lunch that I should go play with the canals so hopped on the bike and went for a ride around East London. Took the Limehouse Cut Canal up to the Bow Locks then came down past the Bow Flyover and back on to Regents Canal up to Hackney and then round and back through Limehouse and home. Via Victoria Park, of course, which was shiny and lovely and full of life. I love East London and wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. Cept possibly Canada. Ref:Oliver is off to Canada to see his Dad at the end of the month. 2 weeks holiday, for him, the holiday of a lifetime. But then again, he’s only about 15 so he’s not been alive very long. And straight after that he’s off to Wales to do some really cool outdoors stuff. Am going to slip Vic £50 for him for Wales as doubtless he’ll have run out of cash by the time he gets back from Canada. Might see if I can lend him a camera too so he can take photos of either Canada or Wales (or both). DV Cam isn’t doing anything at the moment...and I could make do with 1 1gig card less whilst he’s there I spose. Then I could see all the pics he’ll have taken and be a proud godfather ; ) Failed to get any of my pics website done this weekend. Am considering creating a “portfolio finalists” group in flickr and then getting as many people to comment on the pics as possible to see which I use on the site. Am also (hopefully this week) going to add picture comments to the profiles on here, as well as some other stuff to profiles. If I get time. As I have a busy week. This week I have to — meet Dom and make sure he’s ok. And hug him lots. Go see “There’s no F in Script” being filmed tomorrow. Try and find some photography clients. Finish FC. Start and also And get a suntan. My sunburn from last week is almost gone. Although the right arm still looks pretty nasty. It’s more than red, the flesh looks cooked. Possibly might be a good idea for me not to do that ever again...but last weekend was fun ; ) Anyways...I digress... Came back from cycling and did more FC. Watched the odd film or two. Did more FC. The chavettes downstairs were having a party. 3 generations, experts at scraping the bottoms of their r

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