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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Friday June 9th, 2006 at 11:56am

Cycling has its bonuses ;) (clicky)
Cycling has its bonuses ; )
(Small).jpg Cycled to and from work. Still no puncture. Think I’ve just about sorted out the quickest route — takes a little over 30 minutes. So was home by 7 (!!) and got a nice relaxing evening in on account of TJ being out and being a feelthy slut...(threesome indeed!). Chatted to Jonni a bit, which was cool. Invited him to come to “There’s No F In Script” but he’s busy in Spain that day. Lucky git. Although the thing he’s up to isn’t very nice so I spose I’ll let him off. Invited Lickspittle instead. Am considering starting work on FC version 3 soon. It’s going to be a MVC application written in Java, although I’m not sure if I should do XMLC (thus improving my skillz at work too) or something like JSF or Struts. So I shall ponder... XMLC is quite cool, it “compiles” HTML templates into java code and then gives you getters and setters on anything that’s IDd...allowing you to manipulate the entire document using the DOM. This means you have human readable HTML that can be styled and written and used by people with no java knowledge. It also means complete seperation of logic and presentation layers, which is a good thing. The downside is that fuck all people use it, so it’s not really anything I’d get points in commercially. JSF is the next “version” of JSP and is basically the bastard child of JSP and Struts/Tiles (which are themselves the bastard spawn of taglibs). You create a base JSP with all your unchanging elements on it (css, javascript, etc) and then build upon it. Snippets of JSP are then placed on that base page to display the view you want. Or I could go completely random and do the *whole* thing in XML and style it using XSLT — meaning wouldn’t have to be a completely seperate site, it’d just have a different template. This could be combined with themes to give drastically different look and feels to each theme instead of just playing with the CSS. Which may also be fun... Whatever I do, I am going to try and do it on a new shiny server somewhere, running something linuxish and java on top. Spose I should learn about image manipulation in Java, really... Changed my bedclothes, tidied my room somewhat and sorted out my faux aircon unit. Went to sleep in clean sheets with the window wide and a gentle cold breeze all over me. Which was nice. Slept okish... On the down side, the amount of sun I got weekend means I’m badly sunburned and have been all week. And now — joy of joys...I’m peeling. I look like I have psoriasis. It’s vile.

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