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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about

I have melted

Thursday June 8th, 2006 at 16:38pm

Worked very hard yesterday. Nyet puncture. Zoomed around the world a bit on my bike on the way in, only got a little lost. Work was okish but horribly hot in the office, which is vile. Hot sweaty men usually bring me out in hives, but not these hot sweaty men. I think I have hives on my feet. I think it’s an allergic reaction to something in my 8 billion pairs of M&S socks. I’m going to wash all of them very hotly in something hypoallergenic and see what happens. We happened to be organised enough last night to go to the cinema. UGC at canary wharfish bit by bike. X3. I explained to TJ that all he had to do was turn off the bit of his brain that deals with logic and go “ooh, pretty” at all the things that go bang. Outta there bang on the dot of 10:30 — decided as it was a nice night to bike round some of the riverybits. Was still muggy and icky but there’s something far more impressive about the night than the day and cycling at speed in the black is incredibly fun. Cycled round the Isle a bit, headed home at 11:30ish for food and B5. Food, was tesco finest steak. Was on RFQS and so I bought almost a kilo of it. Of which we had half each. I think it’s the best steak I’ve cooked so far, was gorjus. Had it with fat chips. Chips are bad for me. Had put on weight again when I weighed myself in the morning. Bah.

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