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Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about

Cripes. My bum is sore!

Monday June 5th, 2006 at 10:41am

Been an entertaining few days. Friday mogs was working, I went home and did bugger all cept chat to people online and fiddle with bits of PC a bit. My life is so exciting! Up early on Saturday though as it was gorgeous weather and I can never sleep well. Went to somerfields and biked 5k potatos, 2l coke and 1l rice milk back to the flat — forgotten how easy it is to take heavy loads on my bike. I’d arranged to do photos for Neil at a market near Hackney, so aimed for 12pm. 2.5 miles on the bike, a place called Broadway Market in a really amazingly nice area. The market was very good too, reminded me a bit of the foody bits in Spitalfields, must take Mum there one Saturday. It’s on Regents Canal, which means it should be cyclable from my flat along the canal, although I used the main roads instead as I wasn’t feeling adventurous. Got there bang on the dot of 12, found Neil and went to a pub for some fantastic pub food. Burger made out of lean Brazillian steak in foccacia. Was gorgeous! Wandered about taking photographs of him and everything else around, watched some cricket, chatted to some of the market blokes, got annoyed at the football, that kinda thing. Had decided to do an impromptu trip to Greenwich that afternoon as the weather was so nice. So cycled down by the river through limehouse and Narrow Street. Neil seemed impressed as I don’t think he realised just how big the fabulous bit is. Went through the park, round Canary Wharf and along the curve of the river to Greenwich foot tunnel. Where we discovered they were refurbishing the lifts, dammit. So we had to carry our bikes down the tunnel, under the Thames and up the other side, something I’m not really sure I ever want to do again. My bike may be aluminium but there’s a lot of aluminium. As I walked up the stairs with bike, passed an old black guy casually pissing up the lift shaft. Lovely. There was a french market on in Greenwich, which was a bit naff, but some nice totty. Locked up the bikes and went for a wander around the town and then on up to the Observatory. Had a “pork in the park” hotdog which was uninspiring and took some photos. Headed back down the hill and grabbed our bikes and went to Greenwich Pier. Discovered that they let you take bikes on Thames Clippers, and that there’s a two for one offer at the moment on tickets, so £4.30 for both of us to the Savoy was cool. Had chatted to mogs, decided to go meet him before he got *too* pissed, so went to KuBar to find them all round a table sharing a jug of “Sex on the Beach” and being a touch shallow. Unsurprisingly. Not been to Ku since that time with Chris, just before christmas. Not planning on going back any time soon either. Said goodbye to Neil, TJ decided he was going to come home too as he was bored, I suggested we get a cab with the bike but he wasn’t feeling that adventurous ; ) — so he set off to the tube station and I went to get my bike. Dominik walked past me and didn’t even notice, so I sent him an indignant text and set off. Went back a slightly different route, via Old Street and Shoreditch. Which was far better than my usual route, so I may accidentally do it again some time soon ; ) Texting Dom at traffic lights and stuff, he’d not realised I was there, was out with a mate and invited me out, so I got home, piled on my lippy and set off out again. I beat TJ home by a good 10 minutes too, I rock ; ) Headed back into town, to the Admiral Duncan, to find Dom playing mummy to one of his very drunk mates, a guy called Chris. Who seemed to have pulled some lesbians. Bless ’im. We decided to go to Ku as it’d keep him happy, but it was heaving, thankfully, so I persuaded them to do CXR = D Chris was drunk, kept stating the obvious. Was funny. “You’re nice” as he hugged me. “You’re funny”, etc. “Dom is cute isn’t he?” and stuff. Bless. Dom helped him pull a big muscly man, security guard apparently at a shopping centr

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