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Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Friday June 2nd, 2006 at 9:34am

Failed to get a refund on the innertubes. Did however get two new ones in exchange for the burst one and the wrong sized one. Failed to make it to Tigertrap Records Launch (Was still at work at 7, when it started) Failed to go to bed early. Failed to eat healthily. Succeeded in replacing innertube (although that’s really not very hard ; )) Succeeded in talking to Jonni lots. Until 1am. Woops. Succeeded in not getting takeout Succeeded in changing some of FC to make the old “today I am mostly...” thing change daily ok in the scheme of things. Listened to Thom Yorke’s new album yesterday - The Eraser. It’s quite good, will probably grow on me. Got lots of graphical bits sorted for the admin system at work. Changed some of the code to point to the correct DOM (!!) and stuff like that that really should have been sorted centuries ago. Watched lots of B5 Poked my finances with a stick. They wobbled a bit. They’re not dead yet then. Possibly doing Brighton at the weekend, although TJ wants to go out with his scary friends on Sat night so he’ll be getting pissed and I won’t be. So I might go away somewhere else on the spur of the moment... I have to organise a Leeds trip again. I told Deev I’d bring TJ, he said he’d fit the appropriate high pitch noise dampeners. Think I may be getting a cold. Am munting really vile “chewable” vitamin C from Boots. 1 gram every few hours. Watch as my cold fucks off ; ) inserted newLibby disk into oldLibby. Inserted 20gig disk into newLibby. Will clean the keyboard too if I can work out how to remove it. And then I’ll have 2x XP powered libbys with wifi, one with bluetooth and a wireless link to my 384kbps phone modem for travelling with. Which should be immensely good fun. Am considering painting one black with hippy flowers, just coz I can. Am rather impressed with how fast they run. I am, however, also tempted to put Win2k on one of them, as there’s a way of removing IE completely from Win2k, as my investigations have found, which might actually make it go like shit off a shovel...

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