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Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Friday August 19th, 2005 at 9:14am

OMFGOLOL ONE OF WESTLIFE IS GAY!!11 And in other news, the sun came up and the weather in England was shit. Day 3 of no beers. Interesting. I’m in a position right now to watch its effects on me in a way I couldn’t before - noticed my energy is higher and I’m more awake - which is a good thing. Another interesting chat with João Maybe he’ll understand - one thing he’ll hopefully have worked out is our friendship will be better for it if we sort it. Chatted some to David. He’d deleted me from MSN which was amusing - seemed not to realise CenterICQ tells you secret things like that. He’s promised not to lie to me again. I should have made him promise not to lie to himself either - that would be far more interesting. He also apologised for giving me “mixed signals” - which isn’t exactly the apology I wanted out of him, but it’s a start. He says he’s changed, so I won’t ask him to leave. I want to give him a chance to at least see if he can, even if I know different. The Daily Mail claim “Chips can increase the risk of breast cancer” is currently making me snigger. Obviously far more important than the police accidentally shooting an immigrant on purpose. Showed David half of season 1 of Carnivàle - he seemed to like the parts he was paying attention to. Had forgotten how horrible Babylon is to watch. Poor Dora Mae. Oups! Got on a circle line tube. Stupid indicators at Monument. Work was dull. The new site went live though the sales monitors were taken down so as not to scare anyone. *snigger*. They’re having a “meeting” at 5 in the Crabtree to “discuss” this. Free drinks at 5 - my leaving do at 6. James wants to do the Swan later too - I planned to come off the wagon today, for one night only, but I’m honestly not sure I want to. So we’ll see.

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