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Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about

The power of goodbye

Friday August 5th, 2005 at 17:14pm

More surreal dreams, not entirely sure I remember any part of the dream. I remember being stabbed because I chose to distract some bad people from their existing victim (who got away). I also remember feeling entirely sure I was in control until I was stabbed - when I realised I wasn’t in control at all. So yes, my brain is being very obvious in its metaphors. Thanks brain. Work was dull. Slept at my desk some, don’t think anyone noticed much. Left at 6 as I was meant to be meeting David at home, but he wasn’t answering his phone so just went home and chilled a bit. Sat online chatting, then went with moggy to Lidl for some classy shopping. Bought a little too much and staggered home with it all. Am alarmed by how skint I am - but also by how much money various people owe me. Got back in, James was back pretending to be sober. Har. Was bitching coz someone had nicked a packet of his fags. Suspected that he’d go ballistic if it was Adam but not care if it was David - a suspicion that I believe was right...he went out to see Trevor Chatted to ukteen from Out for a bit as he messaged me on MSN to say hello - he’s dirrrty... David staggered in just after 11 pissed. Ta for turning up for dinner. I had a packet of quavers for dindins and then bed. Apparently his phone had been stolen and so he’d decided to get pissed on free drinks. When I told him nothing was ever free he told me Mark had paid. I told him he had a lot to learn and he replied with “whatever”. Hur Early night but still felt knackered when I woke up. Chatted to David (who slept on beanbags again - I wouldn’t mind but he seems to soak up people’s bad habits when he spends time with them as well as getting energy - James’ bear obsession and Adam’s unreliability) and James who was preparing to go to Italy for a weekend break. Lucky cow. Shleepeh. Dan wants to go out later to Chariots, so might do that. Meeting David @ Retro @ 7 - if he remembers to turn up today... Why have I been dreaming more lately? I’ve cut out caffeine in an attempt to make myself sleep better, but I’ve been sleeping less and having far more interesting dreams since - am I the only person in the world for whom caffeine is a soporific? My mind wanders more and more these days. Does that mean that soon I’ll be off floating around the clouds until I realise I can’t find my centre anymore and can’t get back? Will I meet more like me, floating amongst the clouds? Or will I just believe I am floating, talking to everyone I know. I already have waking dreams where I’m not sure which is truth and which is my imagination - will this final step put me in the funny farm forever? Or am I too engrained in myself to let go enough to stray that far. Tune in next week for the exciting conclusions...

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