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Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Monday August 1st, 2005 at 10:45am

Spent the weekend at Dan’s to escape from the madness in my flat plus the madness in my head. Dan and Gaz are the only ones who are actually helping at the moment as everyone else is just part of the problem. So saw him Saturday and chilled out and watched a film. The Girl Next Door was really quite good considering I was expecting it to be crap ; ) - Dan’s new place is nice. A mess, but nice hehe. Least his shower works right and his ceiling isn’t collapsing...tho my bed’s nicer : D Took loads of pics of him, some of which are really cool. Up earlyish on Sunday, bought food in Tesco (tho Dan kept setting off his monkey and wandering around with a chimp sounding backpack which was funny). The monkey is cute tho ; ) Cue spanking the monkey jokes and hilarity. Cooked Chicken Kiev and ovenchips for him in an attempt to placate his ulcer which seemed to work ok until he ate a sausage roll and felt sick. Tried explaining he shouldn’t eat fatty foods but he never listens hehe. So very tired of life. I feel like I’ve not got a purpose any more. Everything I do seems to go wrong or occur differently to expected.

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