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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Monday July 25th, 2005 at 15:25pm

...appear to have a new job. Yay me!

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Quietly apart

Monday July 25th, 2005 at 11:17am

To you it may seem like apathy, this watching, this waiting To me it seems like saving a life I look through everyone, finding the people I keep with me All fractured. I am drawn to the breaks, a pain junkie Knowing I have the power to heal but not the confidence to be able Hiding what I am, what I feel. I am not the person you know. I am something else. All you know of me is the kaleidoscopic reflections of my friends From each one I draw a piece of myself And arrange them in an elaborate persona so I don’t have to find myself People find me agreeable as I become their compliment. The opposite side of their coin. The yin to their yang. All the time I am watching, waiting. When they fall I pick them up. And feast on their goodwill. But now the guilt I carry with me overwhelms. Now the sleeper will awaken I will shine and I will fight Even though I know the price. As I’ve said before, my fatal flaw The love of loss.

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