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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Friday July 15th, 2005 at 8:45am

It’s so early. One of the lovely things about babies is their alarm-clock like properties. Great for bleary red eyes : D We spent much of yesterday walking. Doing coffee. Chilling, etc. Was fun. Went on a quest for wifi hotspots that failed utterly but was fun anyway. Stopped in a coffee shop called “Hot and Cold” that seemed not to manage the cold bit too well. Was about 29°C and very humid and sticky. Went to EasyEverything to discover why my phone wasn’t working - and made it work - yay! Said hello in the chatroom to whomever was around, then fucked off again. Went to a Café where I had blue cheese in port with bread for dinner - eventually - the nice waiter man forgot us and so we got to sit in the sun for half hour until he embarrasedly came back and said “what was it you wanted again?” David had something yoghurty and stuff but I forget the name. David says “hi”. We headed home on the tram and then wandered to the supermarket to buy icecream and beer and sat in the park - in what after dark is a cruising ground - Dutch people cruise on bicycles, it’s very strange ; ) Sat about and chatted/ate icecream/lay on the grass. Got cruised by a man of about 90 - commented that he was way too old, even for James. He was the polar bear’s daddeh. Then we settled for just “daddeh” or maybe “grandpappy”. David’s dogs are even higher maintenance than he is *grin* - He has four of them, Sammy - a pappiliou dawgie, he’s teh daddeh, then teh mummeh is Milou, who is a Maltese. As is her sister Luna - and Milou and Sammy have a babbeh called Saja who is all yappy and loud. We took them for a walk at 11pmish which was lovely as it was dark - people were hanging out in the park by candlelight and it was pretty. Chatted more then slept : )

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