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Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Wednesday July 13th, 2005 at 10:34am

So I’m sat on a ferry to the Hook of Holland - and not just any ferry, am sat in the Casino of a very fast dual hull ferry - wishing I’d brought more money so I could afford the lovely food that I can smell from the restaurant. I’m in Amsterdam to visit thecanadian and bring him back home. Am wishing I’d brought coffee *grin* So very tired! Up until 1am - slept badly - Had to be up for 6am to pack... Tumble dryer decided to die a bit, grr. So have a bag of soggy clothes sat in the hull. Mr Baggage checker seemed intrigued by my Libretto, “that’s very small for a laptop, I’ll have to see that” hehe. Through customs after being asked “Where are you travelling from?” “London” “Oh, were you there last Thursday?” “Er. Yes” “Where were you on Thursday morning?” “At home” “Which is where?” “Limehouse” “Oh, so East then?” “Yes” “OK, have a nice trip!” Boggle. Might as well just ask me “Are you a terrorist?” and hope I’m an honest sort... Bored already and only been on the thing half hour. Can’t really sleep - could watch Batman Begins in the onboard cinema (no really! Swish!) but am guessing it’s not free. Still, there’s an observation platform at the back if I want to peer at water moving past at high speed : ) Might eat my sandwich in a moment - that and doze in a window seat. • 12:30: Cock... All I can see is sea. And I’ve left my Rio in my bag in the hold - hope it survives! Visibility is shite - hope we don’t run anyone over! • 15:39: Whee! Tulips! Well, there would be probably somewhere but I’ve not seen any yet. Am sat on a double decker train awaiting departure - dead groovy an stuff. Though on a minus point my phone appears not to work, which is annoying, IIRC roaming should have been enabled but hasn’t been and if it doesn’t work now I don’t think it will - which is a pain. Have to try and find David without the phone - which could be a pain depending on what Amsterdam Centraal is like and if he’s texted me directions or something I’ll have no idea. Grr. Oh well, we’ll see! It was very pretty coming in - Loads of huge wind generators spinning lazily in the sun, the mist softening the shipyard cranes into pastel shades as the light twinkled over the waves. Am doing OK considering I don’t speak the language at all, not got lost or anything : ) So what’s gonna go wrong? *giggle*

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