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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about

Happy birthday Tony...

Monday July 4th, 2005 at 11:03am

...wherever you are, Mr Olsen, I hope you have a good ’un... Got pissed Friday because Gaz was late (1.5 hours!) and there was no-one else there I’m close enough to to distract me. Retro isn’t the same without having David just up the road - so I moped. Lots. Then Gaz made me Swan and I got even more drunkened. Woops! I have ferry fare. I just need somewhere very cheap to stay... Saturday and Pride. Filth, debauchary and random mad Christians made for a fun day : ) - Was mine, Owen and Nikki’s 10th Pride - though Owen entirely missed the march - Highlight was GMFA who had big foam hands ("Give us a hand!") who waved at everyone - and then at hate corner, bent three fingers down to give the fundamentalist scary christian types the finger. Saw Gayrath and mogwai stewarding. Said hi. Went to Traf Sq where we found Owen and Jen and people. Owen met Simon there - Adam’s ex - which was a bit surreal. Afterwards we ended up in Kensington Gardens, the sweet strains of Annie Lennox, REM, Bob Geldof, et al floating to us over the trees from Hyde Park. Our crap singing man was there from last year, preserving gay history in song ("Too old to be a chicken and too young to be a dirty old man" - oh please) and I failed to eat a whole salad. Simon spent some time telling me how all men are bastards and only want to use him as a sex toy - and then wandered off and let everyone use him as a sex toy. I missed David and moped. Retro after that. Long chat with straylight about random deep stuff. Retro toilets broke so the bar had to be closed *snigger* and we all decamped to a straight bar. Eventually got home to find a message from David telling me he misses me - which was lovely and made me all fluffy : ) Bed. Lack of sleep. Bleh. Pointless Sunday. Much buffet goodness and pub in Greenwich. Yay. Got to talk to David a bit. Still missing him : ( Suspect I’ll keep on missing him until I make it to Amsterdam next week. Which I will if it kills me...

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