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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about

My mixed up muddled up world

Tuesday June 28th, 2005 at 17:51pm

Sometimes life throws you a curveball. So Americans say anyway, what the fuck is a curveball anyway? OK, so it’s a ball that curves, but hey... Last few days have been lost in the thoughts whirling through my head. I’ve stopped feeling I need to run away from everything and started feeling more positive about stuff. I’m sure it’ll last a long long time. No really. *snigger* Dinner tonight with Miles and company to celebrate his end-of-examsness Dinner last night with David at the “Gourmet Pizza Company”. Hur. £4.75 for 8 mushrooms dunked in garlic butter and grilled a bit. Don’t think I’ll be doing there again - was bad enough last time ; ) Windypops with David, James, a very very late Adam and various other people including a random bloke from freakcity who recognised me from somewhere then realised it was freakcity when he realised it was mine. *giggle* Too much beer. Not enough sleep. Woke bolt upright awake at 6:30 - no idea why. Eventually fell back asleep and then dragged myself out of bed when my alarm went off. Very hard work... Sunday was spent barbecuing faggots for freakcity’s 2nd birthday. Filthy filthy faggots. Saturday took TJ and Adam to XXL - hooked up with David and then took TJ to the dark room for shits and giggles. We almost literally congad around it, the four of us. Then we lost each other and ran all over the place trying to find each other again. Funneh. Fruitbat was around on Friday, yay! He was a little bit drunk. As was I. And everyone else...oops. Fun though ; ) Sheep mouthed man came back. Gaz’s special shag was there but couldn’t remember my flat, Gaz, being anywhere near me before. Couldn’t remember Adam either, who’d made him coffee. All a bit scary. Fun though : )

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