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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Thursday June 23rd, 2005 at 9:19am

My new calendar has bugs. Bah. That’s what I’ll be doing today. The fun! I’m going to be late to work because the tubes/DLR are conspiring against me. Fuckers. Out at Retro. No sign of faded pornstars - tho Sal was with the “policeman” from Skaterboy - I may download it just to see how big his cock is - does that make me shallow? : D David was out with John and another friend of his, whose name I think was José. Gaz does *NOT* look butch in his work uniform. Freak count was high. Real ones, I mean - there were a bunch of them being fucking annoying by the side of the stage. Speaking of annoying - two blokes just got on with a mandolin and a violin and are “serenading” us. If I’d wanted to live in the dark ages I’d have been born there. Sang “Losing my Religion”. It’s getting harder to say goodbye to David - bah. Told him I was sorta falling for him a bit - no real response. He’s so lovely but I just wish he’d tell me one way or the other how he felt... Home to an empty flat with a very clean kitchen courtesy of TJ - earlyish to bed and then odd dreams. Dreamt of being on a boat - it sank but came back up - we were taking a journey I’d done before but that no-one else had. And we were being led the wrong way. And then the opening bars of the Requiem for a Dream OST woke me and left me all confused for a bit. TJ was asleep under a duvet on the balcony. Awwh. He looked so cute - the pisshead...

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