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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Wednesday June 22nd, 2005 at 18:52pm

James survived, was online yesterday. Phew. * Scott giggles Met up with David after work, went round Tescos and bought cups, salad, icecream, cutlery and wine. Went to Soho Sq. I had the salad and David had ALL of the icecream. The fatty ; ) Went to Barcode for more drinks, then left at 11:30ish - got home to find a bored TJ waiting there so went to the Swan where I slurred my way through a tired old song with no real care or attention. And coz I was pissed I thought I was excellent! Home, drank chocolate stuff with alcohol in it. Fell into bed. Slept through alarm. In work an hour late (oops) making the time up now. About to go to Retro to see keybuk and gaz and say hello. Have texted David to see if he wants to come, may phone him in a bit. Man I feel like shite.

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