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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about

Half done...

Tuesday June 21st, 2005 at 9:35am

Too many debts - gah! Council Tax summons - have discovered I wasn’t paying it - no idea why, am sure it was a DD but hey ho. CC bills (oops) phone bill, leccy, etc. Grr. Remind me to win the lottery : ( Andy, my stepdad, is back home - he has a large blood clot going from the back of his knee down his calf and is on drugs and injections to thin his blood and (hopefully) safely break up the clot. It’s scary when a doctor says “if you feel the slightest chest pain, call an ambulance immediately”. Mum seems to be holding up ok though. James phoned - He’d drunk a bottle of vodka and taken some dodgy pills - commented on how he’s fine in London but does stupid things like that in the North. He invited me to Manc for the weekend but I don’t think I can get there so won’t be going... Tried to explain that drink + uppers = badness (they counteract each other - very easy to get alcohol poisoning) but not sure if he was paying attention. Will phone tonight and make sure he’s ok... Got half the KHRP annual report finished...bleh Bit disturbed by stuff at the weekend. I don’t like being lied to just so someone else can save face. He should know better. Going to attempt to see David this evening - was thinking we might picnic in a park if it’s nice... Today is freakcity’s birthday. Today 2 years ago myself and Jamesog took our vague ideas and made them reality - we registered the domain and started work on the site

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