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Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Monday June 20th, 2005 at 13:58pm

Bless (clicky)
(Small).JPG A week with no blogs. I’ve been ill, I’ve been stressed, I’ve had no money, I’ve gained a new lodger, I’ve become single, I’ve considered not being single and realised it’s not worth it any more and I’ve accidentally groped a cute 18yr old in bump’s bed. So all in all it was kinda like a rollercoaster. My stepdad Andy is ill - they suspect a blood clot, but aren’t sure. So am worried about mum as I’ve not been able to catch her yet inbetween her trips to the hospital so only got sporadic updates via text. They came down weekend before last and he had a hurt leg, we thought it might be a pulled muscle or something, but it seems it might have been more serious... Been out a bit, but not much. Have a virus of some description so mostly feel wiped out and shite at the moment. Went round the thames on a boat with TJ yesterday. Viewed crusties celebrating somethingorother. Saw breastwomen fly past raising money for cancer. Didn’t see any of the walk for life people. Wouldn’t have liked to do that yesterday, it was 33°C TJ cleaned the balcony yesterday. It looks shiny again - I took a photograph of him on it which is really cute...aww... Watched The Inside too. And Dr Who. And the pilot of Global Frequency. Global Frequency was sort of interestingish in a “Mission Impossible” meets the Matrix type way, It just wasn’t very good. Probably why it didn’t get picked up... Doctor Who was cool, but a bit “convenient” in the average Startrek episode sort of way. The heart of the tardis is the Eye of Harmony, not something that looks like an extra from ghostbusters. And the Eye of Harmony is a captured black hole which shouldn’t exist any more if the Timelords have been destroyed. As all the Tardis’ in existance used the same one... But still, it was ok. The Anne-Droid was funny. Jack should have stayed dead (coz they just left him there anyway). Rose should have stayed dead because then it would have leant more gravitas to proceedings. Rose’s eyeshadow defies the laws of gravity. The new doctor shouldn’t have arrived right as rain at all. Etc... The Inside was cool. Good Jossian links there, Jane Espenson+David Fury exec producing,Many Buffy/Angel directors, Ben Edlund, and co created by Tim Minear. Plus Adam Baldwin. Not 100% sure if it’ll be gorgeous, but it’s definitely watchable ; )

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