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Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Wednesday June 8th, 2005 at 14:32pm

Chatted to Mum a bit yesterday. She seemed down, Andy is away for a week and his gran died yesterday morning and so he can’t be with the family - so he’s angry. His dad is taking it hard and seems to be in shock, and so he feels helpless. And mum can’t help because Andy is stuck in Nottingham all week and not Norwich : ( Cheered her up a bit (I hope) but will continue to phone her some more this week as she’s on her own at home. Everyone was out within half an hour from when I got home last night, it was lovely and peaceful. I sat online for a bit, didn’t really do much else except chill out and chat to a few people. Wasn’t really in a social mood at all. I’d popped into Retro to listen to Jen talk about babies and Phil talk about small fluffy creatures that live in his head. Nothing new there then ; ) I think I might be coming down with tonsilitis. My throat hurts lots and I feel all sweaty. It’s icky. I still feel I may write something short and songlike soon. “Thirteen words to end my pain” or some such horribly pretentious title. Harry’s staying tomorrow night, with Chris. We’re all going out for Bex’s leaving do, going to the George. It’s mad in there : ) Speaking of Harry, Tara wrote a letter to the Prime Minister, after she watched “A Letter to the Prime Minister”, Jo and Julia’s film about Iraq and the occupation that I donated a wodge of cash to earlier this year. Tara is 11 and made it almost all the way through the film before disappearing upstairs. Fair enough, Harry thought, as it’s a bit of a gruesome subject matter for an 11yr old. She came back down with a letter which read: Dear Tony Blair, I writing to you on behalf of my concerns for Iraq. I have just watched a film containing scenes of children being taken into hospital and having to have operations because bombs have fallen on there houses. Most of there families have not survived. One man had a wife and they had been married for just one week before a bomb fell on there house and killed his wife along with his sister and another girl. It is awful that people of such a young age have been forced to live in this sort of environment. Where are the weapons of mass destruction that you so eagerly went to war for? Millions of people are dying every day because of this and you are not giving them enough time to help the innocent people that have been hurt in the war. On the film was a little boy who had severe cuts on one side of his face. Did that little boy ever attack you? There was a girl of just 14 who would probably never be able to walk again and had deep gashes in her head. One house had been bombed that had no landmark near for the bomber to aim at and yet they WERE bombed. I am only 11 years of age and already I know that what you are doing is wrong. Yours sincerly Miss. T. Harris

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Wednesday June 8th, 2005 at 8:43am

Anne Bancroft has died of cancer : ’(

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