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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about

The time of the turning is too late to try

Tuesday June 7th, 2005 at 11:56am

I thought I’d make up a random title, randomly. Then I thought about writing some words, in a semicoherent manner. Then I realised the futility of life and got drunk. The only point to life is to learn. Drink knowledge like a sweet liqueur. But what if you don’t thirst for it? What if you only wish for one thing? Is it selfish to deny the rest of the world your prescence, simply because you don’t want to be a part of it? Yes. Think of the lives you could save. Your own. Other people. Other people of late are grating on me. I think things will come to a head soon. Maybe I’ll explode a bit and feel better. Maybe I’ll cry into my pillow for a change and just let go. Just letting go is what I want to do right now. I hate being tied down so much and I am so tied down at the moment it hurts. Still, at least that knowledge allows me to be free. For if I was one of the sheep with no clue as to my bindings I would be trapped by them.

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My head is not your friend

Tuesday June 7th, 2005 at 8:29am

You call I listen You cry I comfort You leave I wave You return I smile The only thing I have in this world Is you The only thing I want in this world Is you The only thing I need in this world Is you The only thing You want in this world Is death Words may cut like a knife but they can also melt like butter on the lips of the accuser.

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