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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about

Left open, empty in despair...

Monday June 6th, 2005 at 9:18am

+Friday+. Beer. No Davie so hugged Owen instead. Gaz arrived and we Swanned. Think it was fun - don’t really remember *snigger* Bought much kebab and hotwing goodness. Saturday I mostly spent regretting the hotwings. Made Adam tidy his room before I let him go out and so when he was an hour and a half late to meet Ben and Ali I got the blame for it as opposed to the truth. Grr. Getting increasingly pissed off with feeling like I’m running a fucking hotel. Plus between them they’ve eaten most of the food (only leaving the stuff it might possibly take some effort to prepare) and I can’t afford to buy more. So maybe they’ll stop being so twattish when they realise the magic fridge isn’t going to restock itself... Went out to meet David for coffee after work - had a good chat for an hour or so and then walked him home - Avoided the Swan as I was knackered - shame though as Owen was there. Sunday I woke up waay too early - then went back to bed again. Then got up again to find a text from David inviting me to the KA for karaoke. Not my scene, but I’d probably even go to Tory HQ if it meant spending more time with him. How fucking sad am I? Forgot to phone mommy. Oops! Went microphone shopping. Johnny will kill me for it as I didn’t ask him what to buy. But that’s because I’m on a budget, so ner....anyway - my old “Argos £10 karaoke” one is shockingly noisy and requires hefty noise gating to make work so thought I’d get a slightly better one. Speaking of João - he now has a pro-tools system powering GigaStudio. The flash bastard. Can’t wait to hear what he can come up with when he has a whole “orchestra” to play with : ) And I wonder if he remembers that I was the one who told him about GigaStudio last year ; ) To give you an idea. Most of the outstanding orchestral Angel and Buffy music towards the end was created using it, not real orchestras... Met up with David + Anthony (who I actually sorta managed to have a conversation with this time : D) for coffee and CEX - Was talking bout the microphone and singing in general and mentioned about João teaching me some how to sing. David mentioned he knew exactly what I was talking about as he’d listened to João trying to teach Peter to sing. *giggle* The music in CEX is decidedly dodgy. Think I’ll stick to eBay for my wares. Wandered back to Costa where we had a bit of a gossip about various people we both know (does Peter know ALL the people I’ve shagged/been out with or what? João, both James’, Seppey (ok, didn’t shag him : P), various other people...). Giggled a bit about various things too, then buggered off to the KA where Davie sulked at being on water only (he’s on medication for his tonsils) and claimed he was boring. Not helped by a rather boring man telling him that it wasn’t boring just to drink soft drinks. Because the boring man did by choice so it was all ok, right? Hur. Met another nice bloke who’s name I’ve forgotten. Sang “Left Outside Alone” sorta ok. Well, I say sang, more screamed...if I make my voice big then the bears can’t get me ; ) Listened to someone singing Lulu from outside. Sadly my cunning plan to stay there ended up with me being rained on so I had to go back in. Bumped into a very strange man who I used to talk to years ago on shagdar. He’s from Dubai or something and has awful English. HE fancies me (well duh!) and tried to put his hands down my shorts at the bar. Scary. “You know me” over and over again. I think he was pissed too. He really didn’t want to take no for an answer... So ran away from the bar and died of embarassment on Davie who thought it was all terribly funny and ran off to see if he could spot him. He did and returned and told me how scary he looked. I agreed. His profile didn’t have facepics on it, Davie reckoned that if he’d have looked like that his wouldn’t either. So we’re stood at the door out of the rain and I need the loo but don’t want to go for fear of being f

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