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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Friday June 3rd, 2005 at 9:33am

I am currently running 13 minutes late. Whoops... Wednesday was a “too much drink” day. Retro after work to meet moogal, mickstar, (who were down for the day) thecanadian (who I made join - muahaha!), jimmy, mogwai, mattnottm, mage and probably loads more. I sang Road Trippin’ and it sorta worked. Adam turned up in his shocking trousers. notdan arrived (it was his birthday) and we all swam around in beer for a while. The guy who was in Retro the night before with the one in the dress was there. And it transpired he was smess’s shag from Friday. Spookeh! Ended up going to Amateur Strip - Davie came too because James tried to convince him to get naked *smirk* Bleh. Too much drink. Got home - Adam drank bong water and passed out. I drank normal water and went to bed. Yesterday I got in on time for the company meeting (somehow) and did some work. Met Davie after work as we were meant to be going to the cinema, but decided against it as we were both still fucked from the night before and suspected we’d just fall asleep. His wisdom tooth is coming through and he is in pain so we went in search of ice cream. Walked the length of London looking for a banana split and eventually found one in Maxwells - Covent Garden. It was crap. I mean, £11 for a burger? Blurgh! Highly amusing though watching the waiter’s face as Davie asked her for a Banana Split and chips. And then watching him dip the chips in it...*smirk* Went for coffee and then picked the TJ and Adam show up from Retro and fucked off home for an earlyish night. Up on time - brief stop on gaydar chat to giggle at people who just don’t get it - one of them said of me “never has anyone said so much and contributed so little” - I like that - might keep it ; ) Was nice to talk to Boxx again though...

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