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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about

Goodness. Where did all my time go?

Wednesday June 1st, 2005 at 9:20am

Wurk woz fun. Met Davie after work - “I got sacked” “Why?!” “My boss told me he fancied me and I said ‘no’ so he told me not to bother coming in again. Why does this always happen to me?” We giggled a bit. Bought him coffee and we both yawned at each other some and then went to Retro to see if Wendy was hiring. She wasn’t. Bah : ( Bumped into sexylushcrazycool and his loud and embarrassing faghag. Embarrassing as Daz got a tad embarrassed when she turned to Davie and says “He fancies you, do you like him?”. “Well, we’ve only just met, I don’t know him” Good answer : ) Ran away from spiritusmundispit’s quiz and hid upstairs. log was on the bar, so said hello and had a drink. A man in a dress sat next to us. Davie will talk to anything. Two seperate statements, but when combined lead to amusement. Bloke in dress going on about how he can’t understand David because he’s speaking Canadian at him. Bloke’s mate trying to stab him loudly with a safety pin. That kinda thing... Walked to Barcode after for a drink. Davie got accosted by a small annoying man going on about how rich and important he was. Hur. Went on for 5 minutes and then he asked Davie to go home with him. Snigger. “I would love to but I have to say no” “But why” “I have to get up” “I’ll get you up, my boyfriend is a surgeon, he’ll be up early and can wake you” “I’m sorry but I still have to say no” “But why” Etc. Twice over the span of the evening, tho that was possibly Davie’s fault for saying “Ask me again after a few beers” Went to the bar and Davie had acquired someone new by the time I got back. Some scottish bloke who was a little pissed and possibly called William although I don’t strictly remember. Bit hairy and scary but quite lovely. Scary as he followed Davie to the loo and took photos of him on his phone in there. Hur. “I moved to London to be anonymous” he said. “Why did you move here?” “Oh someone bought me a plane ticket...” “And you?” he turns to me. “Have you ever been to Norwich?” I reply. “Fair point” ; ) Bizarre conversation. Sleepy now. How am I gonna manage to stay awake the whole day? And go to Retro tonight? *giggle* Anyways, left Barcode at 1am and then went to get the bus. Both of us slightly trashed by this point. Zoomed home (Davie walked, he lives just by Waterloo) and then waved Adam’s trousers at Davie on webcam and went to bed. Got up, spoke to Adam in faceparty just to scare him, then came to work.

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