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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Friday May 27th, 2005 at 13:42pm

So I been a bit busy. Er. Understatement ; ) is coming along right nice. I’m working on AJAX things at work Snotty PM email didn’t amuse me on Monday, but hey, that’s life. Sorted now. Coffee with a guy called Davie on Monday night, he’s fun. Then popped into Windypops to molest bump Tired on Tues due to lack of sleep. Worked hard, went home, slept. Same on Weds (tho I was feeling fairly shite). Popped to Retro to sing badly and buy TJ beer. Davie came along with his flatmate, another guy and a guy called Michael. TJ knew the other guy, they’d had a disagreement. Amusement. Sang Morrissey and amazingly wasn’t stoned to death. Thurs I got up and just thought “No.”. Phoned in sick and went back to bed. Bleh. Fri is today. Kris is leaving work so everyone’s at the pub cept me. I’ll be there after work to give him a great send off. Or something. Might just go home and collapse in front of the PC

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