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Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Tuesday May 10th, 2005 at 11:01am She was my friend Sam’s cousin : (

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Tuesday May 10th, 2005 at 9:19am

Yesterday was many hours of work validating stuff. Something strange going on with the destination service but will attempt to suss that one out today. After work was a trip to the cinema with Adam courtesy of New Statesman, to see a film called Private which was deeply moving and deeply cool - shocking and horrifying but deeply cool. Almost missed the start as I was late leaving work and had no idea where the “Vue” cinema was in Leicester Square (how was I to know they’d rebranded the WB one?). Took Adam to the John Snow after for a pint - he was amazed there was a pub in London selling pints for £1.70 - even more so when I mentioned that it was a chain ; ) Headed home for pizza and bed. Adam is working his way through his washing. Rah! Watched Blackadder: Bells whilst eating. Had forgotten how many deeply cool lines there were in it. News on Ain’t it Cool’s website not looking hopeful for Carnivàle - apparently an “almost unimpeachble” source inside HBO has said it’s been cancelled - although apparently the decision’s not meant to happen until next month... Gregg_Araki’s new film “Mysterious Skin” is out soon (May 20th nationwide) - he’s a deeply cool director - and the film has Michelle Trachtenberg in it as an added bonus for all you Buffy fans ; )

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