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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about

I’ve been away.

Monday May 9th, 2005 at 14:04pm

...for some time. Oops. No idea what I’ve been doing, but mostly it’s revolved around beer and work and various combinations of the two. Last Tuesday I got roped into Retro’s quiz. Oops. Drank too much. Somehow I managed to kill a pair of trousers quite spectacularly as well, along with moaning at everyone because I’d lost my coat - until I got home and remembered that I’d not worn it that day. Also had a long chat to James by phone which I remember none of. He told me when he was coming back to London but I have no clue when as I can’t remember a thing. Woopsie ; ) Wednesday I got loads done at work and then went home afterwards to sleep lots. Thursday Company meeting (nothing really new cept they’re blocking MSN messenger. Hate it when a company tries to tell you you’re an adult and well done and then treats you like a kid without realising) I also got loads done at work (working on the front page and convincing BAs that AJAX is a good idea). Then went to the Red Lion (somewhere near Carnaby Street) to see the plucker person and his lovely wife as well as some others. Stayed for a couple of beers then went home to do lots of KHRP and sleep. Friday and I’m almost on time, but very knackered. More AJAX convincing and then more Homepage and Hotels. Also more beer as it was the first Friday of the month and we all had to stop at 5pm and drink in the Café. Woo! Went to Retro and chatted to people who were out. Went home with a whole cooked chicken (!!) and 8 cans of beer. Went to Owen’s without his birthday present so zoomed back through the tunnel to get it and then escaped again to Ilford. Watched the end of The Incredibles and listened to some Mark Thomas (sorry bump) and then went to sleep somewhere. Woke up Saturday morning with a vast hangover the size of belgium. Bah. Did pics (and video. *snigger*) of Owen and then ran away to Barking to buy shorts and jeans from the fatperson shop. Bought fabby jeans. Spent most of Sunday tidying, going to Waitrose coz it was there (BAAAD move when hungry as everything there is gorgeous and expensive). Spent too much (oopsie) and then ended up having to cab home as there was way too much to carry. Considering buying an immensely cheap car and converting it to run on methane. No fuel ever! Got home, watched Dr Who and Enterprise (Yay! The Mayor!) - showed Adam bits of Star Wars: Revelations ( an indie film produced for fuck all money that’s actually surprisingly well done (if you ignore the acting ; )) considering. The CGI is amazing and beats many TV shows’ quality. Bed by 11, but couldn’t sleep so am knackered. Too many thoughts tearing round my mind, as ever. Really need to find a way to do more of freakcity. Think I need to book some holidays. Need to book the Glasto thing off too. All my washing is done. My kitchen is clean. I need to flush the office (as I’m sure that’s the only way I can clean it) and then I need to hoover somewhat. It’s quite novel being able to see the floor in the bedroom ; )

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