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Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about

A Letter to the Prime Minister

Tuesday May 3rd, 2005 at 14:11pm The DVD I helped fund has been finished. Wonder if I’ll get a free ticket to the launch because of it? ; )

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Tuesday May 3rd, 2005 at 13:32pm

+Saturday+ we got wet. As you may have seen in my previous entry ; ) Got up coz it was too cold, wrote blog, said hello to people as they staggered out of bed at 9ish. Had some toast on the barbie for brekkie and then all chatted a bit and drank tea and waited for the rain to fuck off. It chilled out a bit and by midday was really quite nice. We walked to Wells (3.5 miles!) along a long and winding path...sea was out but lots of people were crabbing and seemed to be being successful. Went to the cashpoint and then bought a dressed crab in a shell, which was vile. Everyone else was eating fish and chips so sat with them - tried one of Lloyd’s chips in gravy. Aah bisto! Which shattered his illusions a bit *giggle* Wandered up the road looking at scary shops. Arrived at the top and found a poundshop. Lenny’s challenge was to find the most pointless thing for a pound. Settled for a plastic mac, a keyring torch and 50 insect repellent tealights. Rah! Hannah and Nikki stayed in town to buy shoes and we walked back. Found a lizard en route, which was a bit surprising as it was Norfolk, not France. Took photos. Got back to the site absolutely knackered and got a call from Nikki saying “please pick us up” - lazy bastards... Adam, Ben and Alistair had arrived by this time so said hellos to them all. Got back, had some food (as I’d bought some by then!) I had chops and some of Nikki’s rather yummy curry - It was gorgeous. Evening’s entertainment was again beer/wine/spirits and chatting around a fire. Dom and Steve collected some sticks and then put them in a bucket of water, mysteriously, and we all sipped a lot. Nikki and Brian had some overproof rum which was a little bit much so that Brian went to the loo but lost use of his legs and ended up face down in the bucket of sticks. Then he got up and almost catapulted the deckchair into the fire as he fell over backwards. He slowly regained use of his legs and wobbled off in a straightish line into the loo then came back and went to bed. Nikki was about to join us until she found out that the dough for the sticks was ready. We made twistees (I think that’s what they’re called) whereby you spiral sweetened dough round the end of a damp stick then hold it over the fire to cook it. They were gorgeously lovely! Ate a couple and then the rest of us stayed up lateish chatting and all went to bed... On Sunday the plan was that mother would come to visit with Andy, if the weather was nice. We were all woken up at 4am by the most amazingly loud thunderstorm and torrential rain, which stopped at about 11ish - though for a bit I thought that the barbie’d have to be called off to make way for the wetness - we were ok though and survived. Which is more than can be said for the makeshift shelter that I was hiding under the morning before, which got horribly ripped by the wind and then taken down by Nikki. Mum and Andy turned up at 1:15ish and fed us food. Gorgeous spare ribs, lovely sausages, loads of nibbles...then we all went off for a walk on the marshes. Walked out to sea for miles and miles and took loads of pics. Got my boots soaked. Andy wandered off chasing birds (unshocker ; )) and we squelched about in mud. Rain threatened but didn’t materialise. Didn’t find anything alive, no seals either, which was a shame. Mum and Andy vanished after we got back and we had our last night’s meal. Alexa arrived (who’s a friend of Nikki/Lenny/Hannah) with a guitar, so we had jam playing. Did the same again, food then drink then sleep. Sunday we were up earlyish and cooked, ate the rest of the food we had left and then packed up and went home. That was about it really. Got in at 4:30ish, decided against going out to Hyde Park to play with the gays and had a very early night after putting a wash on. James is meant to be back home today, yay!

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