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Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Tuesday May 31st, 2005 at 9:20am

Ooh. There are going to be roadside tests for drivers on drugs according to the (hate)Mail today. Yay! Bank holiday weekend started on Friday with the departure of Kris from work - so we all went to the pub and got a bit merry. The Blue Anchor in Hammersmith is very pretty - sits on the river and we all sit outside. Gorgeous day, so very pretty. Met Kris’s girlfriend whose name I’ve forgotten which is a shame as she was very very cool indeed. Got invited to go on to a party with them but declined as I was meant to go to Retro. Drank too much by far. Entirely failed to get to Retro in time for last orders so texted Davie to apologise for not being able to pick up an application form and went home. Up earlyish Saturday and pottered about until Gayrath arrived (looking absolutely gorgeous) and we went to lunch in the gorgeous Café Verdé off Narrow Street. It’s a posh corner shop in essence that has a cafe attached. They sell Green & Blacks chocolate spread as well as all of the cheese... After the main the Food Delivery Service Assistant (waiter) asked if we wanted coffee so I looked up at her and asked if she had a cake menu - she replied that she didn’t but could tell us about them and proceeded to ("we have chocolate mousse, which is Mmmmm yummy") so Gareth had the mousse and I had white chocolate truffle thing. Got bored waiting for them to give us the bill and made origami rather unsuccessfully out of napkins. My Origami-Fu is waning : ( Walked home feeling *very* full - took some pics of Gareth by the river - generally sulked at lack of totteh wandering around naked and went home. Met up with Birthday Lloyd at the flat as we were off for our curry evening. Wandered to #1 Brick Lane for 6pm (tho we were a little late) and failed entirely to meet up with anyone else, so went for coffee at Spitz (the rather fabulous restaurant I’m a bit fond of at Spitalfields). Sat there waiting for a call from Adam but no ; ) - Ended up deciding that we couldn’t be arsed with curry so we had food there. Yummy but we spent about £90. Oops ; ) Justin (straylight) turned up and joined us as well. Poor Gareth was about to burst by this point as I think I fed him too much. I had steak, Lloyd had bangers n mash, Justin had steak (cooked “well done”! Philistine! Mine was still moving when they brought it to me, muahaha!) and we had some surprisingly pleasant House White. Then some crackers and cheese (mmmunpasteurised) and Lloyd had a dessert which he thought wasn’t going to fill him up but did ; ) Trundled off to Retro to meet zaty as it was his birthday too. Caught up with Jack (cockaigne) there. Was trying to convince people he wasn’t very gay *snigger* A small table filled with Outers had a man on it louder than Salvador, which was rather impressive, considering. Decided to go back to the flat with ZatyGareth and beer (and a bottle of wine) to watch DVDs. Gareth managed to pass out within seconds of getting through the door and I went to bed shortly afterwards, but not before giggling at most of a Bill Bailey DVD courtesy of zaty. Up on Sunday went to Waitrose where I spent FAR too much on picnic equipment and food, then trundled off to picnic in St James’ park with mojen, bump, owen, kee (and his new boything Jason), lloyd, adamamyl, zaty, gayrath and some other people. Smoking drugs in a royal park is naughty so I didn’t. Some of the rest of them did though, which meant many people rolling around grass giggling at silly things. Fed Zaty lots of cold meats. Zaty fed lots of people pimms with garden in it. Considered feeding squirrels the bits of alcoholic garden that were left, but couldn’t be bothered to move. Bumpy told me he’d done it before and got some squirrels pissed, so I was quite tempted... Left the park at about 6:30 and wandered to the Kings Arms to try and find people. Couldn’t find any of them so went home and ch

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Friday May 27th, 2005 at 13:42pm

So I been a bit busy. Er. Understatement ; ) is coming along right nice. I’m working on AJAX things at work Snotty PM email didn’t amuse me on Monday, but hey, that’s life. Sorted now. Coffee with a guy called Davie on Monday night, he’s fun. Then popped into Windypops to molest bump Tired on Tues due to lack of sleep. Worked hard, went home, slept. Same on Weds (tho I was feeling fairly shite). Popped to Retro to sing badly and buy TJ beer. Davie came along with his flatmate, another guy and a guy called Michael. TJ knew the other guy, they’d had a disagreement. Amusement. Sang Morrissey and amazingly wasn’t stoned to death. Thurs I got up and just thought “No.”. Phoned in sick and went back to bed. Bleh. Fri is today. Kris is leaving work so everyone’s at the pub cept me. I’ll be there after work to give him a great send off. Or something. Might just go home and collapse in front of the PC

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Wednesday May 18th, 2005 at 23:43pm

Words like violence Break the silence Come crashing in Into my little world Painful to me Pierce right through me Can’t you understand Oh my little girl All I ever wanted All I ever needed Is here in my arms Words are very unnecessary They can only harm Vows are spoken To be broken Feelings are intense Words are trivial Pleasures remain So does the pain Words are meaningless And forgettable All I ever wanted Enjoy the silence

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Saturday May 14th, 2005 at 21:49pm

She is EVIL! Evil I say! (clicky)
She is EVIL! Evil I say!
Went to see Mike’s installation piece “Bare” today. Took camera as he needed someone to take photographs of it all - it was very impressive. Well thought out, very well presented and somewhat creepy too. All the stuffed animals and teddies and dolls and stuff that he could acquire from friends that had bad memories attached to them were arranged on plinths next to plaques detailing their crimes against humanity. Some were presents from exes, some were from long left employers, all told tales of woe. The room was lit a moody blue, each light highlighting a toy of terror, and random chilled out music played to accompany the joss sticks and tealights littered about the floor. Shoes were left outside, conversation was kept to a low murmur as people wandered from item to item persusing their tales. If there was a story/toy combination you felt an affinity with then you could take the toy to Mike and he would take you upstairs to deal with it. I chose a small plastic doll. It had been left in a supermarket by a small child, never to be reclaimed. After living for 6 months behind the till it was sent to Mike to put it out of it’s misery. It spoke to me with its big empty rolling eyes and thatcheresque hair. It spoke to me of evil. It looked like it had come straight out of Bride of Chucky as a supporting actress. I knew it had to be ended... Mike took me upstairs for the ritual cleansing. I sat down, the doll was put in front of me and I had water poured over my hands. Dried them and then lit a candle. Mrs Chucky looked up at me with dead eyes. Feeling no remorse I took the scissors offered to me and then started to go to work. The first thing I did was remove the awful hair, rendering her asexual, and then the first cut across her stomach. I think I smiled as I slowly turned her and completed the job, severing her torso in two. Then I removed a leg. Then another one. Pulling the last of her stuffing out I then removed the arms after prompting from Mike. I swear that boy’s more twisted than I am. Mike took the remains and I followed him back downstairs with the candle. We then poured her parts onto the large pile that had already been created by many previous cleansings. Her spirit was put to rest as I placed the candle on her plinth, but as I turned away I’m sure I saw her eyes move and I swear her mouth twitched into a slight smile, as if to say “I shall find you again, in your dreams, just wait”. Adam did a poor defenceless doggie hand puppet. The bastard. Some mad people turned up and ambled around a while acting like the teddy defence league or something. “Oh. I’m not sure I agree with that. I mean, the teddies have bad memories associated with them, but it’s hardly their fault now is it?” We stopped there for a couple of hours, watching cleansing after cleansing - then when it had got too much we ambled home via the whole of Tottenham Hotspur’s supporters on a train. Which was fun. Some cunt threw a rock at Adam’s head in Bethnal Green. Still, this was Bethnal Green, so perhaps we got off lightly. Walked back via Sainsburys and gorgeous little baby vegetables and then ate lamb. Now I’m sat here bored, considering going out and drinking beer. Yay!

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Friday May 13th, 2005 at 11:39am

Aristotle, Pascal and Newton are playing hide-and-seek. Aristotle is ‘it’, and faces towards a tree, counting to one hundred. Pascal looks around, then hides behind a bush. Newton walks into a space, marks out a metre square, and stands in it. Aristotle gets to 100, and turns around. “I see Newton!”, he cries. “No,” says Newton, “One Newton per square metre is a Pascal.”

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Friday May 13th, 2005 at 9:28am

“And if I only could make a deal with God, I’d get him to swap our places” Out Wednesday night for beers with the people - saw moggie, chatted lots to William, stayed at his and staggered into work early on Thurs : ) Sulking because Carnivàle has been cancelled. Fuckers. Training next week - in Euston - should be a gorgeous commute. Finished the code library and documentation. Rah! Chatted to some online people. Sulked at Scam for not picking up the telly. Etc.

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Thursday May 12th, 2005 at 9:58am

"We are dreamers, shapers, singers, and makers. We study the mysteries of laser and circuit, crystal and scanner, holographic demons and invocations of equations. These are the tools we employ, and we know many things. Fourteen words to make someone fall in love with you forever, seven words to make them go without pain, how to say goodbye to a friend who is dying, how to be poor, how to be rich, how to rediscover dreams when the world has stolen them from you."

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Tuesday May 10th, 2005 at 11:01am She was my friend Sam’s cousin : (

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Tuesday May 10th, 2005 at 9:19am

Yesterday was many hours of work validating stuff. Something strange going on with the destination service but will attempt to suss that one out today. After work was a trip to the cinema with Adam courtesy of New Statesman, to see a film called Private which was deeply moving and deeply cool - shocking and horrifying but deeply cool. Almost missed the start as I was late leaving work and had no idea where the “Vue” cinema was in Leicester Square (how was I to know they’d rebranded the WB one?). Took Adam to the John Snow after for a pint - he was amazed there was a pub in London selling pints for £1.70 - even more so when I mentioned that it was a chain ; ) Headed home for pizza and bed. Adam is working his way through his washing. Rah! Watched Blackadder: Bells whilst eating. Had forgotten how many deeply cool lines there were in it. News on Ain’t it Cool’s website not looking hopeful for Carnivàle - apparently an “almost unimpeachble” source inside HBO has said it’s been cancelled - although apparently the decision’s not meant to happen until next month... Gregg_Araki’s new film “Mysterious Skin” is out soon (May 20th nationwide) - he’s a deeply cool director - and the film has Michelle Trachtenberg in it as an added bonus for all you Buffy fans ; )

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I’ve been away.

Monday May 9th, 2005 at 14:04pm

...for some time. Oops. No idea what I’ve been doing, but mostly it’s revolved around beer and work and various combinations of the two. Last Tuesday I got roped into Retro’s quiz. Oops. Drank too much. Somehow I managed to kill a pair of trousers quite spectacularly as well, along with moaning at everyone because I’d lost my coat - until I got home and remembered that I’d not worn it that day. Also had a long chat to James by phone which I remember none of. He told me when he was coming back to London but I have no clue when as I can’t remember a thing. Woopsie ; ) Wednesday I got loads done at work and then went home afterwards to sleep lots. Thursday Company meeting (nothing really new cept they’re blocking MSN messenger. Hate it when a company tries to tell you you’re an adult and well done and then treats you like a kid without realising) I also got loads done at work (working on the front page and convincing BAs that AJAX is a good idea). Then went to the Red Lion (somewhere near Carnaby Street) to see the plucker person and his lovely wife as well as some others. Stayed for a couple of beers then went home to do lots of KHRP and sleep. Friday and I’m almost on time, but very knackered. More AJAX convincing and then more Homepage and Hotels. Also more beer as it was the first Friday of the month and we all had to stop at 5pm and drink in the Café. Woo! Went to Retro and chatted to people who were out. Went home with a whole cooked chicken (!!) and 8 cans of beer. Went to Owen’s without his birthday present so zoomed back through the tunnel to get it and then escaped again to Ilford. Watched the end of The Incredibles and listened to some Mark Thomas (sorry bump) and then went to sleep somewhere. Woke up Saturday morning with a vast hangover the size of belgium. Bah. Did pics (and video. *snigger*) of Owen and then ran away to Barking to buy shorts and jeans from the fatperson shop. Bought fabby jeans. Spent most of Sunday tidying, going to Waitrose coz it was there (BAAAD move when hungry as everything there is gorgeous and expensive). Spent too much (oopsie) and then ended up having to cab home as there was way too much to carry. Considering buying an immensely cheap car and converting it to run on methane. No fuel ever! Got home, watched Dr Who and Enterprise (Yay! The Mayor!) - showed Adam bits of Star Wars: Revelations ( an indie film produced for fuck all money that’s actually surprisingly well done (if you ignore the acting ; )) considering. The CGI is amazing and beats many TV shows’ quality. Bed by 11, but couldn’t sleep so am knackered. Too many thoughts tearing round my mind, as ever. Really need to find a way to do more of freakcity. Think I need to book some holidays. Need to book the Glasto thing off too. All my washing is done. My kitchen is clean. I need to flush the office (as I’m sure that’s the only way I can clean it) and then I need to hoover somewhat. It’s quite novel being able to see the floor in the bedroom ; )

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A Letter to the Prime Minister

Tuesday May 3rd, 2005 at 14:11pm The DVD I helped fund has been finished. Wonder if I’ll get a free ticket to the launch because of it? ; )

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Tuesday May 3rd, 2005 at 13:32pm

+Saturday+ we got wet. As you may have seen in my previous entry ; ) Got up coz it was too cold, wrote blog, said hello to people as they staggered out of bed at 9ish. Had some toast on the barbie for brekkie and then all chatted a bit and drank tea and waited for the rain to fuck off. It chilled out a bit and by midday was really quite nice. We walked to Wells (3.5 miles!) along a long and winding path...sea was out but lots of people were crabbing and seemed to be being successful. Went to the cashpoint and then bought a dressed crab in a shell, which was vile. Everyone else was eating fish and chips so sat with them - tried one of Lloyd’s chips in gravy. Aah bisto! Which shattered his illusions a bit *giggle* Wandered up the road looking at scary shops. Arrived at the top and found a poundshop. Lenny’s challenge was to find the most pointless thing for a pound. Settled for a plastic mac, a keyring torch and 50 insect repellent tealights. Rah! Hannah and Nikki stayed in town to buy shoes and we walked back. Found a lizard en route, which was a bit surprising as it was Norfolk, not France. Took photos. Got back to the site absolutely knackered and got a call from Nikki saying “please pick us up” - lazy bastards... Adam, Ben and Alistair had arrived by this time so said hellos to them all. Got back, had some food (as I’d bought some by then!) I had chops and some of Nikki’s rather yummy curry - It was gorgeous. Evening’s entertainment was again beer/wine/spirits and chatting around a fire. Dom and Steve collected some sticks and then put them in a bucket of water, mysteriously, and we all sipped a lot. Nikki and Brian had some overproof rum which was a little bit much so that Brian went to the loo but lost use of his legs and ended up face down in the bucket of sticks. Then he got up and almost catapulted the deckchair into the fire as he fell over backwards. He slowly regained use of his legs and wobbled off in a straightish line into the loo then came back and went to bed. Nikki was about to join us until she found out that the dough for the sticks was ready. We made twistees (I think that’s what they’re called) whereby you spiral sweetened dough round the end of a damp stick then hold it over the fire to cook it. They were gorgeously lovely! Ate a couple and then the rest of us stayed up lateish chatting and all went to bed... On Sunday the plan was that mother would come to visit with Andy, if the weather was nice. We were all woken up at 4am by the most amazingly loud thunderstorm and torrential rain, which stopped at about 11ish - though for a bit I thought that the barbie’d have to be called off to make way for the wetness - we were ok though and survived. Which is more than can be said for the makeshift shelter that I was hiding under the morning before, which got horribly ripped by the wind and then taken down by Nikki. Mum and Andy turned up at 1:15ish and fed us food. Gorgeous spare ribs, lovely sausages, loads of nibbles...then we all went off for a walk on the marshes. Walked out to sea for miles and miles and took loads of pics. Got my boots soaked. Andy wandered off chasing birds (unshocker ; )) and we squelched about in mud. Rain threatened but didn’t materialise. Didn’t find anything alive, no seals either, which was a shame. Mum and Andy vanished after we got back and we had our last night’s meal. Alexa arrived (who’s a friend of Nikki/Lenny/Hannah) with a guitar, so we had jam playing. Did the same again, food then drink then sleep. Sunday we were up earlyish and cooked, ate the rest of the food we had left and then packed up and went home. That was about it really. Got in at 4:30ish, decided against going out to Hyde Park to play with the gays and had a very early night after putting a wash on. James is meant to be back home today, yay!

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