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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Wednesday April 27th, 2005 at 15:40pm

Things not to say to your (female) boss when you arrive in work late. “Sorry I’m late, fucking woman tubedrivers...” Fortunately I know not to say that to my boss. Plus I wasn’t *very* late. And the woman tube driver was probably going slow due to the unbelieavable shiteness of the District line, and not because of some inate ability not to be able to drive. Dan did something naughty and got in trouble so phoned me about it yesterday. Am worried about him coz he sounds really scared, but equally unimpressed with what he did. Mostly this balances out to wanting to give him a big hug - but that’s up to him really. Watched some of Enterprise yesterday...or, more accurately, fell asleep to some enterprise yesterday. Urgh. Been too sleepy. Tho this wasn’t helped by Windypopsing on Monday and drinking much too much. And staying up until 5am chatting to Adam, making the world right and (eventually) watching him throw up in a bucket again. Yay for vodka ; ) So yesterday was spent being very tired, not doing that much @ work, and wanting to be sick lots. Which I managed not to be, so points there. My new guitar arrived on Monday too (yay!) it’s immensely cheap (we’re talking £50ish), electric, comes with spare strings, an amp, strap, case and a plectrum and makes loud farty noises when I play it. It’s lovely! Today got some bits done. Thinking about using Ajax to do some of the flights functionality - it could be really quick using it but not require the overhead of a pure clientside sort (or require all the results on one page ; )) - might see if it’s feasable : D

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