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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Monday April 25th, 2005 at 9:39am

Rah! Saw the new EpIII trailer - Looks outstandingly good : ) Listening to Sting Live in 1991 - forgotten how much fun it was - went to see it for my 18th (ta mum : )) Quiet weekend - too much beer Friday eve (quelle suprise) - want to kill Orange. Meh. Cut me off. Will beat them to death soon. Have my new EasyMobile sim. Tis quite cool : ) Bought a tent yesterday. Watched lots of Enterprise too. Directed by Mike Vejar. Guest starring various ex B5ers and Buffyers.. Marvellous : ) The CGI seems to have got substantially better tho. Was deeply impressed with a couple of them - one of the two parters being far better than Star Trek X : D Acquiring more... Tidied some. Slept bad. Bah. SO much to do today. Urgh. Oh well...

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