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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Wednesday April 20th, 2005 at 17:58pm

Does everything break when you’re trying to do one last thing before going home of an evening?

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I am so funny it hurts.

Wednesday April 20th, 2005 at 9:21am

I am going to reverse engineer gaydar and wreak merry havoc with their stylesheet for kicks : D We have a new pope. Well, by “we” I of course mean those silly people who believe in legends and superstition and call themselves “Catholic”. Ratzinger, “god’s rotweiller”, has become Benedict. Someone tell Dirk ; ) He was in Hitler Youth but apparently didn’t inhale or something. It’s all OK though because apparently it was the law back then or your parents would get in trouble. Only his father was a prominent anti-nazi who had to leave Germany because of it...And he was in the German Army and apparently guarded a Jewish death camp...very sure his parents were happy with that. So we’re expected to believe that a man who moved country rather than be silent about the Nazis would let his son join them coz the law said so? Hell no! Good god the press need to learn joined up thinking. just saw a photo of him in 1943. Hottie! Bet he saw some cock action... So we have a Nazi supporting homophobe of 73 as new pope. Suspect things won’t get any better for the poor, guilt ridden catholics then... I feel hungover, but I’ve not had a drink since Saturday. Cock! --begin Orange Rant. Cunting fucking cocksuckers. Phone totally cut off. No warning. *beats them to death* --end. Home at about 8:30 as I worked late. My bank cards had also arrived yesterday morning but had been put through the wrong letterbox. Yay for postoffice(TM). So a nice kind person stuffed them through my door at 9pmish ; ) So I can have money again! Chatted some online last night, but mostly did work for KHRP. Forgot to chat to João (sorry!) about OSX before crawling into bed and snoring. Cock! William’s tonight for cheese and wine - then sleep.

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