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Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Monday April 18th, 2005 at 15:09pm

Long crappy weekend full of me aching and crapping lots. Made a bit better by seeing Dom on Saturday night, he cheered me up and bought my skint arse a drink. Felt like absolute shite all of Friday, fuck all sleep too. Oystercard arrives Weds. Bank cards before Friday. Went to the GORGEOUS area which is Bromley on Saturday to retrieve my passport from the arse of the library (long story involving and a plasma telly). Arrived at Barclays an hour too late to get any money out of them (thanks,, for lying to me) as it shut at 2 and not 3 like we thought. Trundled into town to arrive at Pic Circus just in time for the Barclays that shuts at 4 to have been shut 10 minutes. Went home and bitched online about only having a pound and Dominik dragged me out on the chub crawl. Back home to find Adam pissed on wine. He ordered pizza slurrily, then promptly threw up lots. Then passed out on the toilet floor. An impressive feat, as any of you who have ever visited will know... Pizza arrived, peeled Adam off the floor long enough to pay for it, then he promptly got a bucket and passed out on the sofa. So I got a whole pizza, yay! Stayed up chatting to people waaaay too long - went to bed at about 8am. Did bugger all cept chat and feel dodgy on Sunday too. Dan’s by cab in the evening as he was having some dramas. Fuck all sleep at all. Bleh. Meant to be at his tonight but might just go home as I have KHRP work to do and I’m shattered. Keep falling asleep at work : ( On hold to Orange. They piss me off somewhat ; )

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