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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about

What is it with LT at the moment?

Tuesday April 12th, 2005 at 9:21am

Hoping I get in for ten. Not holding my breath. Bah. Quite a bit done yesterday - got the tiles to behave and got (through some evil and nasty hacks) my baby tabs to work right. Couple of meetings. Fun. Bought a cheap “feel proud coz you cooked it” thing from Sainsburys. Really basic and too watery. Feh. Got home to discover someone’s nicked the front wheel to my bike. Bastard. Need to tidy. Chatted to a few people online including the lovely cutelad1984 who I scared with some music, and another mate who is thinking about leaving home and moving in with his “sex partner” - thing is, this guy hit him once. Told him it didn’t seem a good idea (I’ve never known a man who hit a lover, said sorry and *didn’t* do it again). Put my new DVD burner in my PC (and accidentally knocked the power lead out of my LiveDrive - should probably fix it really ; )) and copied Carnivàle for gayrath and zaty. Played around on webcam some. Had some beer. Went to bed. Woken at 3:30am by Adam storming into the flat on the phone. Loudly. Am going to have words as this is becoming a twice weekly experience...

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