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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about

Long Time no speak –

Monday April 11th, 2005 at 13:31pm

We did it! Watched the whole of season 1 and 2 of Carnivàle over Saturday and Sunday. Gorgeousness : ) zaty seemed very impressed. As did lloyd. Wednesday night I ended up going to Heaven with mage and Andy - Bad idea! Very drunk - not much sleep. Sang at Karaoke when pissed as well - “I’m so going to fuck this up coz I’m pissed. Thank the pope’s dead bones none of you know me”. Well, I thought it was funny... Thursday was a hangover day. All day. Feh. James popped back and said hello - he left for Scotland or something on Friday - won’t be back for 2 weeks...failed to manage the list meet at all. Dan phoned Friday and I met up with him after work at the (ick) Quebec for a drink. After meeting Danny to pick up the Carnivàle DVDs that I’d left in his bag at Heaven. Oops. Dan was fine - seemed to have missed me am guessing by the amount of times he said “you’ve missed me, haven’t you?” - bless : ) And yeah, I have missed him. Might see him in the week if I can. Asked me if I still loved him, I replied “I love you as a friend” but I think he just took that as a “yes”. Ah well. Bed after he’d popped over to pick up his stuff. Bit concerned as he’ll be homeless on Tues, but am sure he’ll sort it out - though I’m half expecting to find he’s moved himself in on Tues... Woken up again by a very pissed Adam at 3:30am. Grr. Saturday and up early, cleaning kitchen, licking the carpet, trying to wake Adam up, etc. People arrivorised - zaty, gayrath and lloyd were the core viewers but we also had Ben and Alister as well as Adam (when he eventually woke up),Rick and Rob who came straight from Chicago. Myself and gayrath had decided on Pink Lambrini. So we ended up consuming three bottles. Plus a shitload of voddie. Adam and Ben got wankered within about 10 minutes (for a change) and we spent much time trying to shut them up. They sensibly decided to barbecue chicken from frozen and may since have died as I’ve not heard from them yet... Got through Season 1 by the skin of our teeth, finishing at around 4:17am. Large quantities of my flat had gone to the sauna before then, having mistaken the Carnivaleathon for a barbecue and pissup and generally having annoyed most of the rest of us by not being quiet and watching. Got to sleep at around 5:40am. Cripes. Up at 11:30ish, watching Carnivale by 12. Our dedication was faultless. Sunday was gorgeously gorgeous, I managed to somehow make a superheated barbecue type thing which managed to entirely cremate the outside of chicken whilst not quite cooking the middle bits. Shocking. Didn’t drink on Sunday (probably a good thing) and Lloyd and Gareth both left at around fiveish, leaving only myself and zaty to do the last bits. Finished at 11:50pm or so. Hah! Been chatting to cutelad1984 lots who is quite lovely and can probably play piano better than me. The git. May be going to Brum for sunin’s thing next weekend. James isn’t back for another week too. Gareth is driving to Brum so might suggest we share petrol or something. Or might just go up on Friday evening and get the train, go to XXL Brum and then do Sunin’s on Sat...

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