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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Wednesday April 6th, 2005 at 9:18am

Camilla and Charles’ wedding has forced the Grand National to move. I suppose it’s a little unfair to make her run on her wedding day... I have decided to tube_surf into work today as there’s no seats, and I can’t (yet) blog one handed. I expect I shall fall over embarrassingly on my fat arse at some point. (or possibly someone else’s fat arse ; )) Found the excellent Lux Aeterna remix that was used for the Two Towers cinematic trailer. Rah! Shit quality but still pretty : D The Mail today screams “Can we trust the result?” - obviously about our reasonably uncorrupt democracy as opposed to, say, the Iraqi elections which weren’t even almost free or fair. About them it said (and I paraphrase) that it was a great day for Iraqi democracy. So perhaps what we need is for supermarkets to refuse to sell us food if we don’t vote, and they’ll be happy? "Dell recommends Windows XP (because it makes us a shitload in support contracts : D)" * Scott listens to Cassetteboy waffling about heroin Spent most of last night retagging mp3s. Urgh. The fun. List meet tomorrow. Rah!

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