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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about

You try walking in my shoes

Tuesday April 5th, 2005 at 9:34am

I have to find a hobby. Boredness generally prevails over my life and it’s a tad dull really. I am aware that it’s possible to do more than simply eat food, work, and drink beer, but it’s the volition I need. Coupled with the fact that all my friends ever do is drink I sort of find it insurmountable. Perhaps I should just take up class A drugs and become whatever passes for a sheep in gay culture. In other news, the Pope is still dead. Do you care how many people die to keep you ontime for work at a reasonable price? Or who profits from this? Or is all you care about what comes out of your pocket? We just sleepwalk through every day, yearning for the weekend, accepting without blinking, without thinking - the prison we’ve made of our lives - that it could be another way doesn’t occur to us at all. It’s shocking, but true - out of our 80 years, 40 will be wasted following the orders of others. No wonder there’s so many bitter, broken people out there. Tony and chums - work us hard, Feed us false life through television, replace our friends with actors, watch our every move and control our reality - but god no, don’t ever let us wake up, we might see what’s happening around us and stop you. Sometimes I wish it wasn’t so shit, I really do.

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