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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about

Bigtalk not smalltalk

Monday April 4th, 2005 at 12:36am

Long and frankly disturbing weekend for reasons I can’t go into. Friday involved beer and vodka and Veuve and Dom Perignon and more beer and watching things which I shouldn’t have and drinking for roughly 36 hours solid and chavs and Gaz and meeting gayrath for the first time and Heaven and hell in the bottom of a bottle and various other things. Now my head is more broken than it was. I’d like to be able to be innocent enough to say “why is the world so unfair?” at this point. But I’m not. I know full well why it’s so unfair. Have a diagram. <= Friday Sunday => Retro => Heaven => Ilford => Swan => Home Sleep is for the weak. Spent last night watching Carnivale again and chatting online. Want to buy swords. Must not buy swords. Bad gayrath. Chatted to someone on MSN who was pretending to be Dan. We suspect it was probably Laura as I phoned Dan up half way through the conversation. Plus whoever it was couldn’t spell at all (even less so than Dan) and was fishing way too much...the comedy

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